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Event <br />Attu clunent C of <br />Item 13.a - 2/28/11 Meeting <br />I - - <br />5. Council and. Staff review and. agree on which items on Program Feb. 28 <br />Listing are truly mandatory <br />6. Departments prepare 2012-2016 Strategic Plans based. upon Feb. 28-Mar. 14 <br />Council/Staff Work Plan/Strategic Planning meetings and priorities <br />7. CM & Dept. heads develop and submit Program Listing prioritization by Mar. 14 <br />results by dept. to Council (both tax & non-tax supported. programs),; <br />Results reported as a single number (1 -5) representing the joint <br />CM/Dept. Head. priority (each dept head only prioritizes programs in <br />his/her dept.) <br />With knowledge of jo nt CM/Dept. Head. prioritization results, Mar. 14-Mar. 21 (or <br />Councilmembers submit Program Listing prioritizations; -Mar. 28) <br />Results reported. back to Council with listings by Councilmember and. <br />Council averages <br />9. Based. on prioritization results, CM & Dept head.s d.evelo or Mar. <br />CM recommend.ed. 2012/13 Budget Expenditure Summary by d.ept., <br />and. Program Listing (and. supporting Budget Expend.iture <br />Reconciliation related. to 2011 final Bu.dget Wo�rksheets) AND <br />2012/13 Capital Spending Plan (aka Capital Budget) for tax- & non- <br />tax supported. programs <br />10. Council receives report on results of citizen survey Mar. 28 <br />11. Staff report to Council on 2011 County Assessor's Report property April I I or 18 <br />valu.e changes for 2012, and. preliminary tax base change estimate. <br />12. Dept. by Dept. Council- Staff Q & A on I st DRAFT CM May 9 & 16 <br />re commended. 2012/13 Bu.dget Expenditure Summary (and. Budget <br />Expenditure Reconciliation related. to 2011 final Budget Wo�rksheets) <br />AND 2012/13 Capital Spending Plan (aka Capital Budget) for tax- & <br />non-tax supported. programs <br />13. Council sets preliminary 2012/13 NNE levy [AND preliminary utility May 23 <br />rates] in response to I st DRAFT CM recommend.ed. 2012/13 Budget <br />Expenditure Summary AND 2012/13 Capital Spending Plan (aka <br />Capital Budget) for tax-and. non-tax supported. programs <br />0j, <br />