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Attaclunent C of <br />Item 13.a - 2/28/11 Meeting <br />3. Prograin Descriptions. (ref. Attachment D of item 13a of Nov 15, 2010, agenda) <br />Descriptions of programs in the Pro grain Listing, organized. in the same order as the <br />Prograin Listing; includes descriptions of Performance Measures for each program, and. <br />current rating of performance versus perfonnance measures <br />4. Budget Expenditure Summary. (ref. Attachment A of item l3b2 of Nov. 22, 2010, agenda) <br />A listing of each program in the Pro grain Listing, organized. in the same order, with the <br />current year's approved. budget amount, previous years' actual amounts (as available), and. <br />the proposed. 2012 budget amount, for each program, including percent change freem <br />previous year in each case <br />5. Budget Reis enue Summary. A summary listing, for ALL programs combined. (or further <br />broken down beyond. that level — such as BY FUND), of each revenue source, with the <br />current year's approved. budget amount, previous years' actual amounts (as available), and. <br />the proposed. 2012 budget amount, with percent change from previous year in each case <br />6. Budget Expenditure Summary Reconciliation. (ref. Attachment B of item l3b2 of Nov. 22, <br />2010, agenda) For each program in Prograin Listing for which an expenditure change is <br />proposed., a further detailed. listing of the estimates for the additions and. subtractions that <br />result in the net change. <br />Discussion Items <br />The Council should. review and. discuss the proposed. budget calendar- <br />Staff Recommendation <br />Staff recommends that the Council formally adopt the 2012 Budget Calendar by resolution. <br />Council Action Requested <br />Motion to approve the attached. resolution adopting the 2012 Budget Calendar. <br />Attachments <br />A: Resolution adopting the 2012 Budget Calendar <br />B: Supporting Budget Document Examples <br />C: State Statute 412.701 <br />D: State Statute 412.711 <br />E: 2011 City Council Meeting Schedule <br />0 <br />