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E A S E M E N T <br />9 <br />19 by and between <br />TH.1's I�Ill"Dlri"TUPE ma din thi�s day o f <br />9 4r <br />Presby�2ELan Homes of Minnesota Inc. <br />1'e of th f F <br />e irst pArt, and the CITY O <br />County of Ramse,.r. State of Minnesota, part s, <br />-oration, paRi n the secontA Lar+ <br />Rainnsley COUnty, Minnesota, a municipal coron <br />That in consi deriation of' the sum of OnLl'-- <br />1.000 <br />wool <br />WL of p eAki the fi Irst art herebv <br />aie l the s&' d i Pari6y of the second cart, say 0 �nart e. <br />it <br />#t,s succoessors and assign-a-I a perpel.-ual <br />r I n t ano"'J. -ftir.%,rnvey unito party of the second part, 1 <br />for a pulblic Iroald and highiw ' and for undierground utilitiv mains, pipes and acour- <br />J6 V I e Ramse'v­ County <br />I, <br />n,an,-,I.* rPvi%,,r, intler and ac�oss a striv of land in the r-tv of Pnsevik <br />%002 tat a,s <br />'That part of the North Half of the N Quarter of Section 4, Township 29, Range 23, <br />lyinlig North of a line, parallel to, and WiSef orth of the South line of the North Half of the <br />Northwiest Quarter of said Section 4, and lying Slauth of a line, parallel to and 748 feet South of <br />the North line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 4, and lying West of the West line of <br />and � P lialittled as Lake, Johanna Homes, in said Section 4, in <br />and lyg East of a line parallel to and 70 <br />, <br />feet West of the Wiest line of said Lake Johanna Homes,. Subject to road easements . <br />w1hihCh shall iinicludip. the perpetual riahtll.; of siaid C*ty of Rnsevillee *ts successoroft <br />I , I -;? <br />+o lqrade, l eve' l,) f-11i, drain, pave, build, maintain-% and rebuild or widen a <br />0 1 a s is I (In IS" <br />y <br />u bl i c road a d or hi" qhwav, tootether wi ter such c verts, cuts, or Ai *thus as ma be necessary,% <br />a �im A 416-o con .t.")tLriuct, maintains operates and repair utili'�V mains,, pines, and appurtenances <br />t Obeid, together wl'+,,Ih perpetual easement <br />oveir ein%� ancross thie st'rip.. of land herelinbefore, diescir-0 <br />; <br />finaress and eries-s. <br />,N D 1 to <br />th all the heredflIcnts. and apourtenanc(?s <br />HAVE A TO HOLD THE SAME, Together w <br />F <br />V nto r an 1w se apnertain ng, to the s,a*d p,;�Irtv of the second part its <br />lip <br />,U <br />,1,;�I-'censolr'"- ard as, <br />. 'k. 06 Zk Sl gars ,, foreverii <br />46 <br />Arr 11-N <br />s"00*1NY WNEPEOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto sct their <br />4. 11VU <br />th <br />P.In I ., ida ind year filirst above written. <br />h NAe y a <br />W <br />06 111 <br />010IIII J L422 <br />;*1101-4 41P rJ 1p 4h wP lie 411 'r., 0A4;V.0%ol #;e 40,40 4% 60 - -W'-Vrw W <br />"It <br />01 L*0 '"' ;e <br />or W ffl� 6, <br />V IL vi <br />C <br />AfF <br />` <br />.002 <br />000 <br />lie, 4 <br />AR <br />