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STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />ssi <br />COWITY OF MMSEIY <br />Gn thi* S day. of' 9 before me,, a Itilotary <br />Johally iappeared <br />publilic,, within and �f'lo�r sial' id Co un <br />�ty p <br />�, ial <br />Notary Pubilic, RaPsey Gounityl� nnesiotia <br />fly commi S s il on el x1p irle s <br />STATE OF ftVIRESGTA) <br />ss <br />COUNTY F RAMSEY <br />day oT 19 before me a Notary <br />On thi' s <br />P u bi 11 c, within and fir sai'lid Countyl pi sonally; appeared L4 Tt-VOI <br />cr <br />and I � <br />'to pierson,ally known, who being each y me iduly sworn did i,sialiv that they are <br />President and the <br />respectively the <br />V- e cp T 0 K of thie corporation inamied in the T"oreigoing, <br />n i <br />instrument,, anild that, the seal affixield to sai'ld instrume, t �'s thle corporiate sleial <br />of' slaild corp Drab lonip and thiat, s ild linstrument was silgrield ainid sealed in behialf <br />�S ;k 1014 - % <br />of sai'd corpoiriation �by a',uthorl"ty of its Bloiarld of Dirielictiorl A 41 1 %4 <br />ackniowiledged salld instrument to, <br />and -lie <br />be the free act and deed of said, co rp o a t ilm o n <br />C, o u n ty, Mi i ni n e s o t a, <br />,ily commission expires: 'A <br />V <br />DORE I I E M. RICIKSON <br />Aj NIOTAnY FUSLIC - MINMESOTA, <br />R 'S�EY COUNTY <br />AM, <br />M�y Comimi�W�ain ExplM Jb%i 2% 100 <br />