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THIS IND� TU1E, OIDE thi'4 day <br />between ,- Pax <br />N <br />19 by and <br />✓tYµ <br />'OF THE Count,y of Ramsey,,, State of ROSEVILLE, Ramsey County Minnesiiota,, a municipal corporationg party of the second part. <br />nnesota, part,iles, of the first part and the CITY OF <br />WI TNESSETH: That i n cons i derat on f' the sum of <br />.0 <br />in hiand paid by the said party of the second part sa d parties <br />grant and cion,vey unto party of the second part,, <br />easement for a pub1lic. successors and assi g s , a perpetual <br />road and highway and for u�n�der round Utility mains, pipes and appur- <br />teniances <br />�f and n + �, � ��v Ile Ramsey Count <br />�Mi' n in e s o t a as fo Il low, e <br />The Sough 101 of the North 431 of the fol l iow n <br />Thee East 2,5 '" of he North A00 �" f that, hart io� the Northeast r <br />hi n 2, Ranne 3, l Si en !'-Iest 0-01 <br />liand plattied as Lake Johanna <br />H ries Also,, : cent the. North Ann, <br />forth 2, cif the ll rthikt ist , f said Sec � o 4 <br />lying Wiest of said Lake Johanna l r es a c r� <br />f'roii a Point on the S LI h line <br />11 571 f <br />ro�n the �nth�res t corner to a Point on the North h ii e. 11 2,68� from, the Northwest corner <br />of said N <br />Northwest 4 �" S��� n 4,j Township 2.9 Range 23, <br />EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX <br />build, whi'lch easement shall I"Include the , erpetual rights of said Coty of Roseville, its successors <br />maintain, and rebuild or widen a <br />P� u b l � c road o� i�r h i'� lg hway , tio gie th e r with such culverts, <br />repair n. op a and 'to construct, maintiai eriate,, and Ut'l l i� ��y '�mai ��s p pes , and appurtenances <br />�over anid across the strip of land Mere i nbefare described, <br />Tor and n g rye s s <br />'TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,, <br />together wi th all the h redi Laments and ar)r) r nanr-Pr. <br />rine'reun'to belonging, or in anywise appertaining, <br />iceissiors and ass gns forever. <br />'to 'the party of the second part, its <br />1L.*)1111Wf WHEREOFi) the said parties of the first part have hereunto set--their <br />hands the day and year first, above written,, <br />i� <br />