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HR_ Thao.txt <br />financial literacy and education, investm�ents, wealth creation and asset <br />building; perform extensive research, literature review, docum�entation and <br />reporting while exam�ining the developm�ent of efficient, effective and <br />m�arketing delivery system�s; convene with other stakeholders to ensure <br />efficient and equitable systems for shaping policy on economy ic and comr mr unity <br />developm�ent; advocate for systems that cater to the dive�rsity of comr mr unity <br />needs; help create and collaborate the relationships among relevant <br />stakeholders (including governmental and comr mr unity-based organizations) to be <br />involved in the comr mr unity developm�ent process ; provide extensive re�se�arch on <br />best practices and developing policies and initiatives in economy is growth; <br />create and develop various inventories of effective public and non-profit <br />groups who provide financial literacy/education, homy e-ownership education and <br />mortgage foreclosure prevention products, program�s and services; lend <br />expertise on re�se�arch findings through designing end de�ve�lopiny knowledge <br />based resources-reference handbooks, inde�xe�s, training m�ate�ria s, and <br />glossaries; convene local groups (qrantees) and other interested stakeholders <br />to develop a comr mr on vision for wealth creation and asset building for <br />residents on the East side of St. Paul and South Minneapolis areas ; engage in <br />multiple strategic planning dialogues regarding im�pact of funding in North <br />Minneapolis; and coordinate site visits to grantees 7 organizations and pe�rform <br />follow-up m�eetings. <br />Education:: Metropolitan state University <br />Sept 10 - present <br />Master of Public and Non-Profit Administration <br />University of Minnesota HHH Institute of Public Affairs, Minneapolis, MIN <br />Sep 09 ­ 3une 10 <br />m�aster in urban and Regional Planning <br />Concentration, Comr m�unity Developm�ent & Affordable Housing <br />The College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, MIN <br />3an 01 ­ De�c 05 <br />B.A. - Communications and Marketing <br />Carson Newman College, 3offerson City, TN <br />Sept 96 ­ May 98 <br />sociology <br />Ci vi c and Vol unteer ACti Vi ti es (Past and Pre�se�nt) : mle�m�be�r and Vol unte�e�r, <br />Planning Com�m�itte�e , YouthCARE/Cam�p Sunrise Vision 2025 <br />Member, Amy erican Planning Association <br />m�em�ber and Volunteer, PTA, Central Park Ele�m�e�ntary school <br />MIe�m�be r, YMlCA and YWCA <br />Volunteer, MIN Breeze Track Association- AAU member <br />Please state your reasons for wanting to serve on the Comr m�ission/Board:: I was <br />raised in Roseville for most of my life . As a person of color growing up in a <br />p rredomr inantly Euro-centric environm�ent during the 90s, I faced many trials <br />that I found to be discrim�inatory. <br />These expe�rie�nce�s he�lpe�d prepare me to be the person I am today; one who <br />passionately advocates for equity, and one who prioritiz,es and works toward <br />social Justice for all. <br />I guess I consider m�yself to be a recovering Rosevillite, as I have chosen to <br />also raise my very own children in the city I endured hardships in. <br />Throughout the last few years, I am so happy to have seen this city flourish, <br />and its efforts of em�bracing diversity and humanities have been very <br />Page 2 <br />