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ETLHR—PCS—Schl e�i fe�r txt <br />From : <br />Se�nt: Thursday, 3anuary 13,, 2011 10:33 AM <br />TO: Carol yn Curti ; M�argare�t Cirri scol 1 <br />sub l"ect: online Form Submittal: Commission <br />App l i cati on—Ethi CS—HR—PCS—Schl ei fer <br />The following form was subm�itted via your websito: Commission Application <br />Please check com�m�ission applying for: Ethics Commission,Human Rights <br />Commission,Police civil Service Commission <br />If tithe r, please list name : <br />This application is for:: New Term <br />If this is a student application, please list your grade : <br />Nam�e:: Gregory Scott Schleifer <br />Address:: 2545 wheeler Street, North <br />City, State, Zip: Roseville, MIN 55113 <br />Phone Num�ber:: <br />Email address :: <br />HOW many years have you lived in Roseville?: 6+ years <br />work Experience (especially as it relates to the Com�m�ission/Board for which <br />you are applying): I am re�tire�d from the State of Minnesota, where I was <br />Associate Hospital Administrator at Anoka Metro Regional Treatment Center. One <br />of my duties there was as the liaison officer to the Anoka Police Department . <br />I was a standing member of the Ethics Committee which meet only as ne�e�de�d, and <br />I produced several training courses for staff on boundaries and professional <br />conduct. I also served as an ad hoc investigator as needed regarding <br />allegations of employee m�isconduct and/or rights violations. <br />Education:: Doctorate - Counseling Psycholgy and General/EXperirental <br />Psychology - Ball state University, Muncie, IN - 1976 <br />Mlasters - Counseling Psychology - Ball state University, Muncie, IN - 1972 <br />Baccalaureate - Psychology, History, sociology - University of Minnesota - <br />199 <br />civic and Volunteer Activities (Past and Present ):: I served 20 years in the <br />Minnesota National Guard, from which I re�tire�d with the rank of Lie�ute�nant <br />Colonel. I am a life member of the Paralyzed Veterans Association. I am a <br />m�em�ber of the Amore rican Legion (albeit not active ), a m�em�ber of the Germ�an <br />Amr erican Institute (located in Saint Paul), and a member of the National Rifle <br />Association. Having only recently retired and recovered from cardiac surgery, <br />I am only beginning to get my feet on the ground for volunteer and civic <br />activities. <br />Please state your reasons for wanting to serve on the Commission/Board:: I <br />have a great deal of experience in the public and m�ilitarry sectors which I <br />believe would be of benefit to the City. Although I have indicated an interest <br />in three Commissions, I am comfortable with servinq on only the one (or two) <br />for which I am considered most appropriate and use ful. I also recognize my <br />relative i norance of current city issues, and would be comfortable in serving <br />in a consuYtantive role aside from Commission m�em�bership. I am flexible and am <br />willing to work where needed. <br />what is your view of the role of this Commission/ Board?: Ethics Sets the <br />Page 1 <br />