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ETLHR—PCS—Schl e�i fe�r . txt <br />standards and conduct for city em�ployees and volunteers, reviews and/or <br />investigates allegations of unethical conduct, m�akes rrecomr m�endations to the <br />city council regarding the Commission's findings. <br />Human Rights - sets and reviews evolving standards of human rights, <br />particularly in regards to protected cl asses , reviews allegations and <br />comr plaints from city e�m�ploye�e�s and the public, m�ake�s rrecomr mr e�ndations to the <br />city council as appropriate . <br />Police civil Service - Reviews scope of Police activities both with regards to <br />"e <br />POST standards and citizen comr mr e�nts, conside�r comr plaints regarding Police or <br />Officer conduct, makes rrecomr mr endations to the city council as needed. <br />Any further inform�ation you would like the city council to consider or that <br />you feel is relevant to the appointm�e�nt or re�appointm�e�nt you are se�e�king.: I <br />am forwarding via e -m�ail m�y most recent resume . <br />I am m�obility handicapped in that I use a wheel chair, and I have multiple <br />sclerosis, which somr etim�es requires short periods of non-involvem�ent. You <br />should and have m�y consent to take these qualties into account as potential <br />limitations. <br />I took early re�tire�m�e�nt, and curre�ntly am 63, years of age . <br />I re�ce�ntly had an opportunity to move to a lar err , more comfortable house in <br />another suburb, but chose to rem�ain in Rosevilye because of its quality of <br />life, which I conside�r to be superb. <br />I understand that inform�atiern provided in this application ray be distributed <br />by the city to the public including, but not lim�iteed to, being posted on the <br />City of Roseville we�bsite . I ag ee to waive any and all claims under the <br />Minnesota Gove rnm�e�nt Data Practices Act, or any oche r applicable state and <br />federal law, that in any way related to the dissem�ination to the public of <br />inform�atiern contained in this application that would be classified as private <br />under such laws. I understand that I ray contact the responsible authority for <br />the City of Roseville if I have any que�stions regarding the public or private <br />nature of the inform�ation provided.: Yes <br />occasionally city staff gets requests from the m�edia or from the public for <br />ways to contact Commission members . The Commission roster is periodi cal y made <br />available. Please indicate which inform�ation the city ray release to someone <br />who requests it or that may be included on the Commission roster. Under MIN <br />statute §12.601. subd. 3,(b), e�ithe r a telephone or e�le�ctronic m�ail address (or <br />both) where you can be reached rust be made available to the public. Please <br />indicate at least one phone number or one em�ail address to be available to the <br />public, and fill in the corresponding inform�ation in the below.: Preferred <br />Em�ail Address <br />Home Phone : <br />work Phone : <br />Cell Phone: <br />Preferred Em�ai 1 Address: gsschl ei fer@,gm�ai 1 . com <br />I have read and uncle rstand the statements on this form , and I he re�by swear or <br />affirm that the statements on this form are true. : Yes <br />Additional Information: <br />Form subm�itted on: 1/13,/2011 10:33:21 AM <br />@ � I, <br />