<br />, l,ar Meeting of' the City Council - September 24, 1984 7 4or 30 P.,
<br />The City Council met on the above date with the following
<br />members present, Johnson, Franke, and Diemos. Members
<br />absent,: Curley, and ehr,
<br />A-1 Franke moved, Johnson seconded, that the minutes of the
<br />Regular Meeting, of September 10, 19 ,84, be approved, Roll MINUTES
<br />Call, I
<br />., Ayes: Johnson,, Franke,, and Demos* Na : None,
<br />B-1 Johnson moved, Franke seconded to approve the, prelim'
<br />plans excle,pt landscaping plans, as included 'in Schedule
<br />"Di'll 'ion the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the City
<br />of Roseville and Housi'ng Alliance, and,a,ll subject to
<br />conditi,ons of special use permit
<br />a approved, April 9. 1984,
<br />Roll Cll W I
<br />Ayes: Johnson, Franke, and D�emolsi. Nays. Nonee
<br />Johnson moved,, Franke seconded to-approve Resolution No., 7650 RESOLUTION 7650
<br />establishinga Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment District,,
<br />adopting a Finance Plan, appriovin,g a contract for Private
<br />Redevelopment andrequesting County Auditor to certify
<br />original assiessed value,. Roll, Call., Ayes: Johnson., Franke,,
<br />and Demos. Nay,s: None,
<br />Ti-2 Franke, moved,,,, Johnson seconded, that Juanita Grayden's request JUANITA GRAYDEN
<br />for final, plat at 2254, Western, be continued to the October 8,
<br />19,84, Regular Meiet,ing. Roll Call, Ayes.- johnson, Franke,
<br />and, Demos. Niays.: None,
<br />%-3 Johnson moved, Franke siecioln,ded that Discus of Roseville's DISCUS OF ROSEVILLE
<br />application for on-sale and special Sunday liquor licenses
<br />at 21720 Snelling Avenue Frontage Road East be approved,, Roll
<br />Call, Ayes.- JohnsonA Franke, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />E-2 Franke moved,, Johnson seconded that jolh,n DenBleyker's request JOHN DENBLE YKER
<br />for Minor, variance to allow the construction • an attached
<br />garage extending to, within 15 feet of the front yard property
<br />line, ati 2014,9 Fernwood be approved. Roll, Call, Ayes: Johnson,
<br />0
<br />Franke, and Demos. Nays.i None,
<br />E-3 i1ohnson movied, Franke seconded that Siteve�n Diaeger's request STEVEN DAEGER
<br />6
<br />for Minor variance to allow, the construction, of an attached
<br />garagle extending to within 14 feeit of the rear yard property
<br />13"Me at 30,39 Asbury be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Johnson,
<br />Franke, and Demos,, Nays,,1 None,
<br />E-4, Franke movedY Johnson seconded that Jerome Dahiquist's JEROME DAHLQUIST
<br />Ab a
<br />request for minor variance to bring the existing garage into
<br />conformance and to all,oiw the widening oftheexisting driveway
<br />1 'thin two felet of the r1ear yard property line at 1213
<br />to wi I
<br />B,uTkei be approved. Roll Call, Ayes.: Johnson,, Franke, and
<br />Demos, Nayis: Nonie,,,
<br />0
<br />