Council Minuties
<br />September 24, 1984
<br />P a ge 31
<br />E-114, Franke mloved, Johnson seconded th,iat the on-sI ale Malt Beverage KINGS COURT
<br />license for the, Kings Court., 211,560 F' l be approved. Roll
<br />Call,,, Ayes: Johnson, Franke,, and Demos. Nays: None,
<br />I M
<br />r.R-15 Johnson moved, Franke seconded that, the Liwcensies be approved,
<br />Roll Call,,, Ayese Johnson
<br />0 ,, Franke,, and Demo,s. Nays.- None,
<br />ER-16 Franke molved, Johnson siecionde,d that the following checks and
<br />total amounts be approved4,
<br />Chieck No, 865,991-86884
<br />$ 172 0 98 7*i 76
<br />94308-94373
<br />224 P 2 71,9 84
<br />14,17-1 1428
<br />220380969
<br />11,80- 11851
<br />31293olS
<br />1 0
<br />Rol,l Clal,l, Ayes: Johnson.1 Frank16, and, Demos. Nays. Nonel
<br />MINN's
<br />I
<br />Demos, moved, Johnson seconded that the Rice Creek Watershed RICE CREEK
<br />Boardi be requested to formally adopt a pol 'Icy that future WATERSHED BOARD
<br />PiToj ects, and local shares of' grants be, funded by the
<br />communities In which thie construction occurs, rather than
<br />b,eing spread, to include others within the District boundaries,
<br />4i
<br />Roll Call, Ayes. Johnson, 40 Franke,,, and D,eimos., Nays,-. None*
<br />