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ILK <br />DATE: 10/8/84 MMUMMMMMUP-" <br />DEPT. HEAD APPROVAL. <br />The Minor V'a,ri*ance Board,, at Ots October 3, 1984 meeting, recommended approval <br />of Dennis Born's request for vari ' ance to fion,t yard setback to allow thb <br />construcitl'oin of an additi"on to the exi'sting attached garage, extending to <br />a <br />withi*n 17 feet of the front, yard prope,rity liine. The ordinance- requires a <br />27 fooit set-baick.i <br />Rttachied are a, -t,e plan and, a map showi*n,g, consenting property owners, <br />I <br />ZOUNCIL, ACTION REQUESTED4- Mot- g/denying Dennis Born's request <br />Ion approvin <br />for ml*nor Variance to al,low the construction of <br />an addfti"on, to the exis ed <br />tin attach <br />g garage <br />4i <br />extendinz to wifthin 1,7 feet of the front yard <br />property line at 669 Belmont Lane, <br />