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e C), The following budget amendment to the 2010 Community Development Fund budget is submitted for <br />29 consideration-- <br />3 1 1) $426,500 for 'Economic Development' activities related to the pass-through grant received from the <br />32 Met Council for the Sienna Green redevelopment project. <br />33 <br />34 The following budget amendment to the 2010 Charitable Gambling Fund budget is submitted for <br />3 ` consideration.- <br />36 <br />37 1) $,41,000 for additional distributions to the Roseville Community Fund. The source of the additional <br />38 monies came from higher-than-expected donations received from various lawful gambling <br />39 permittees including funds carried over from 2009 which had not yet been distributed. <br />40 <br />4 'i The following budget amendment to the 2010 Information Technology Fund budget is submitted for <br />42 consideration.- <br />43 <br />44 2) $,22,000 for additional capital equipment related to purchases made on behalf of other cities. Those <br />45 cities reimbursed Roseville for the costs. <br />46 3) $,11,000 for 'other services and charges' for additional licensing and hardware support paid on <br />47 behalf of other cities. This too was reimbursed by the other cities. <br />48 POLICY OBJECTIVE <br />49 Where aDDlicable- budget amendments are made toCOMDIVwith State Statutes <br />5o FINANCIAL IMPACTS <br />'i There are no current year financial impacts. The budget amendments are necessary to demonstrate that <br />52 previously incurred expenditures are within the adopted budget. Any changes in expected expenditure <br />53 trends are incorporated into future budgets. <br />54 STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />55 Staff has prepared the requested budget amendments and considers them reasonable, within an expected <br />�` 6 range of adjustment, and in accordance with all applicable State Statutes. It is recommended that the <br />57 budget amendments be approved. The City's Auditors are tentatively scheduled to make a formal <br />presentation on the 2010 financial statements at the May 16, 2011 Council Meeting. <br />59 REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION <br />6('_) Motion to approve the year-end amendments to the 2010 Budget. <br />6 1 <br />Prepared by: Chris Miller., Finance Director <br />Attachments: A: Excerpts of the 2010 financial statements. The amendments have been incorporated in the colunm <br />marked 'final' budget. <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />