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Attachment A <br />This Agreem n�t is made and en�tered into this date, April 1., 2011 by and <br />between Allin Health System, a Minnesota non- profit corporation�, d/b/a Al�l�iina <br />H s,piital�s, and Cl�iiniics, ( "AIIiina MedicaIl Transportation") located at 167'Gran�d <br />Avenue, St., Paul, Min�n�esota 55102 and the City of Roseville (""Roseville") <br />h vin�g principal offices at 2660 Civic Center Dr. Roseville Min n�esota 55113. <br />Witnesseth <br />WHEREAS, Roseville through its Fire Departm�en�t is an en�tity engaged in <br />providing emergency respon�se, care and treatm�en�t services to patients; and <br />WHEREAS, Allin dical Transportation is the Advanced Life Support <br />C IL, " , n�d/or Basic Life Support ("BLS"') service provider in Roseville's service <br />area and has the person�n�el and resources to provide medical direction oversight <br />to the Roseville Fire Department; and <br />WHEREAS, Roseville wishes to utilize medical direction oversight in the <br />m n�n�er and to the exten�t set forth in this Agreem�en�t and the attachments hereto; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto h�ereby agree as follows- <br />1. Medical Direction Oversight. Allin Medical Transportation h�ereby agrees <br />to provide medical direction oversight to Roseville Fire Departm�en�t <br />throe hoot the term of this Agreement. For the purposes of this <br />Agreem�en�t, medical direction oversight will include -I <br />a., approving standards for training and orientation of person�n�el t t <br />impact patient care; <br />b., approving standards for parch sing equipment and supplies that <br />impact patient care; <br />c., establish�in�g standing orders for pre- hospital care; <br />d., approving triage, treatm�en�t, and transportation protocols; <br />e., participating in the developm�en�t and operation of continuous quality <br />im rovem�en�t programs; <br />f., establish�in�g procedures for the administration of medications; <br />g., m�ain�tain�in�g the quality of care according to the standards and <br />procedures established under clauses (a) to (f); <br />h�., Training as specified in Exh�ibit A., <br />In consideration for the foregoing medical direction oversigh�t Roseville <br />shall pay Allin Medical Transportation the amount of $,2,500.,00 ("Basic <br />Fee"). The Basic Fee shall be paid as follows-, <br />