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041 ,250.00 upon execution of this Agreem�en�t by both parties ("First <br />Basic Fee Payment"); an�d <br />$1,250.00 on or before Jan. 1, 2012 ("Secon�d Basic Fee <br />Payment"). <br />2. Con�tract Adm�in�istration�., Com�m�un�ication�s between Roseville an�d Allin <br />Medical Transportation shall be coordin ted though District Operations Man ger <br />an�d or lead Em�ergen�cy Medical Services ("EMS"') instructor assign�ed to <br />Roseville Fire Departm�en�t (car the Extern l Education Coordinator of Allin <br />Medical T'ran�sportation n�d the Roseville Fire Departm�en�t Adm�in�istration�., <br />Physician m�edical direction oversight will be provided through the Allin Medical <br />Transportation Medical Director an�d such other ph sician�s as Allin Medical <br />Transportation may con�tract with from time -to -time for such services., <br />I Additional Services., In addition to the m�edical director oversight identified <br />above, Allin Medical Transportation shall m ke available from time -to -time other <br />services including, but not limited to, those services set forth in Exh�ibit B <br />attach�ed hereto., Any addition l services beyond those listed in Exh ibit B shall <br />require the parties m�utual agreem�en�t before such services are provided., <br />4. East Metro SWAT' Medic al Program The Roseville Fire Departm�en�t in <br />cooperation an�d coordination with the East Metro SWATTeam will provide <br />em�ergen�cy response, stand-by coverage, team member training, equipm n�t <br />parch se, an�d stan�dard developm�en�t for the multiple agene y East Metro SWAT' <br />team. Members, of the SWAT'm dical team will operate un�der Emergency <br />Medical Technician ("EMT"") advan�ced protocols as established an�d approved by <br />Allin Medical Transportation as part of this agreem�en�t., <br />5. Roseville Fire Departm�en�t., Roseville shall be solely responsible for the <br />direction an�d control of its em loge an�d the services provided by its em loyees <br />when they are en�gaged in providin�g emergency respon�se, care an�d treatm n�t <br />services to patients. In no even�t shall Allin Medical Transportation be liable for <br />the acts of Roseville, the East Metro SWAT' Medic al team, or its respective <br />em�ployees., <br />6. Allin Medical Transportation. Allin Medical Transportation shall be <br />solely responsible for the direction an�d control of its em loge an�d the services <br />provided by its em loge when they are enngaged in providin�g em�ergen�cy <br />response, care an�d treatment services to patien�ts within the City of Roseville., In <br />no even�t shall the City of Roseville be liable for the acts of Allin Medical <br />Transportation or its em loyees., <br />7. Allin Medical Transportation. As the agent h icing billing auth�ority for <br />EMS transportation within the City of Roseville, Allin Medical Transportation will <br />01j, <br />