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11. Independent Contractor. In performing the m�edical direction oversight <br />provided for under this Agreem�en�t, Allin Medical Transportation is acting <br />as an in�depen�den�t con�tractor, not as an em loyee or agen�t of The City of <br />Roseville, and nothing cone fined herein shall be construed to constitute <br />Allin Medical Transportation and Roseville as partners., <br />12., Governing Law., This Agreem�en�t shall be governed by and construed in <br />accordance with the laws of the State of Min�n�esota., <br />11 Stat car Limitation. Noth�in�g contained herein shall constitute a waiver of <br />any defense or limitation on liability provided by Minnesota Statutes <br />Ch ter 4,66, or other applicable state or federal law., No person shall be <br />considered as a third party beneficiary of this Agreement. <br />14. Mon�th�ly Pre-Course Preparation & Coordination for refresher training In <br />the event that Roseville requests, and Allin Medical Transportation <br />provides, services in excess of the hours specified in Exhibit A, Roseville <br />agrees to pay Allin Medical Transportation a per hour fee for such <br />additional hours at the h�ourly rate set forth in Exhibit A., The quality of all <br />training m terials and instruction will meet or exceed professional <br />standards for EMS training. <br />C1 <br />