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be respon�sible for an�d pay all costs associated with supplies needed by the <br />Roseville Fire Departm�en�t for providin�g first respon�der m�edical services., <br />8. Fee., In each n�ge for services provided un�der Provision 3 above by Allin <br />Medical Transportation, Roseville shall pay Allin Medical Transportation the <br />amount for such service set forth in Exh�ibit B, or if not listed in Exh�ibit B the <br />amount agreed to by th�e parties., Paym�en�t should be m de to Allin Medical <br />Transportation within 30 days of invoice dates., <br />9. Term an�d Termination. This Agreem�en�t shall be in effect until December <br />31) 201 2., Notwith�stan�din�g the foregoing, either party may, with or without cause, <br />term�in to this Agreem�en�t prior to December 31, 201 2) by delivering written notice <br />thereof to the other party at least 30 days prior to such earlier termination date., <br />The termination notice shall state the date of such earlier termination an�d shall <br />be delivered by U.S., mail to the other party at the address for such party set forth <br />on page 1 of this Agreement. In the event that this Agreem�en�t term�in tee prior to <br />December 31, 2011, Allin Medical Transportation shall refund to Roseville the <br />un�earn�ed portion of the Basic Fee., If the date of termination is in 2011 the <br />refund shall be equal to-, a) an amount determined by multiplying the number of <br />days rem fining in 2011 after the date of termination times $,34,.,21, plus b) the full <br />amount of the Second Basic Fee Paym�en�t if paid before the date of refund. If the <br />date of termination is in 2012 an�d the Second Basic Fee Paym�en�t has been paid, <br />the refund shall be equal to the amount determined by multiplying the number of <br />days rem fining in 2012 after the date of termination times $,34,.,21., <br />10., 1 n s u ra n ce., <br />a., Allin Medical Transportation. Allin Medical Transportation agrees <br />to maintain such policies of in�suran�ce, self-in�suran�ce reserves, or <br />com�bin Lions thereof in amounts not less than $,1,000,000.,00 per <br />occurrence an�d $,3,000,000.,00 umbrella coverage., In addition�, <br />Allin Medical Transportation agrees to hold harmless an�d <br />indemnify Roseville from any an�d all liability which may incur as a <br />result of the negligent or intention l misconduct of any Allin <br />Medical Transportation employee providin�g services pursuant to <br />this Agreement. <br />b., Roseville Fire Departm�en�t., Roseville agrees to maintain such <br />policies of in�suran�ce, self-incur an�ce reserves, or com�bin Lions <br />thereof in amounts not less than $,1,500,000.,00 per occurrence. In <br />addition�, Roseville agrees to hold harmless an�d indemnify Allin <br />Medical Transportation from any an�d all liability which may incur as <br />a result of the negligent or intentional misconduct of any Roseville <br />Fire Departm�en�t em loyee providin�g services pursuant to this <br />Agreement. <br />0 <br />