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Attachment <br />1 <br />IVIN DEPARTIVIENTOF PUBLIC SAFETY'` <br />C AT'AI IAST'ER C I IT' -G WITH FUEL CELL OPTION <br />EVIDENTIAL BREATH T'EST'ER IHST'RU EINT' AGREEI IEINT' <br />(DISTRIBUTION OF EQUIPMENT TO LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES) <br />Contract # BCA -CS T -01 3 <br />? THIS JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT, by an7d ctwccr7 the State of Minnesota, actiin7 thr~oui h iits Co mmiissiioneer <br />of Pui Iiic Safet , Bureau of Criminal Appr~chc r7siionr , Forensic Sciicr7cc Laboratory (hereinafter referred to as the <br />STATE) an7d Ros,evitlle PolIiIce Department (hereinafter referred to as the GOVERNMENTAL UNIT <br />( wiitr7css t11 at: <br />WHEREAS, the STATE has rccciivcd are ap ropriiatiionr to puirchasc DataMastcr CS T -G wiitht IFuic1 Cc1I Optiionr <br />k r~cath test iin7struim� e� n7ts an7d its auithtoriizcd to diistriik uitc DataMastcr DMT -G wiitht IFuic1 Cc11 Optiionr k r~eaffi test <br />iin struu merntts t® criminal juistiicc a cnciics anId / ®r ciity, coulnlity, ®r political sui diiviisiionls; anId <br />WHEREAS, the GOVERNMENTAL UNIT represents t11 at iit its a criminal juistiicc a crlic' , or its a ciity, couunr ty, or <br />political sui diiviisiionr auithtoriizcd to accept equiiip ment/serviices from the STATE for the puirp see specified hereiint; <br />an7d <br />WHEREAS, the GOVERNMENTAL UNIT represents t11 at iit its dull r qualified an7d wiilliin7 to perform an7d carry oust <br />the scrviiccs antd tasks described iin thiis A recermcnt. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, E, iit its agreed: <br />I. STATE'S RESPONSIBILITIES. <br />A. The STATE will proviidc GOVERNMENTAL UNIT wiitht a DataMastcr CS T -G wiiffi Fuel Cell <br />Optiionr k r~eaffi test iin struu meat + "iin struu meat" , whiff& iintcluidcs a DataMastcr CS T -G wiiffi (Fuel Cc1I <br />Optiionr , initial dry gas c lliin dcr, a keyboard, a keyboard carrel, a priirttcr wiiffi a tour cr cartriid c, <br />antd rmouithpiicccs for uisc as specified uintdcr CIauisc 11 of thiis A rccrmcrtt. The <br />GOVERNMENTAL UNIT will uisc antd havc possecssiionr of the iin struu mernit; bust the STATE shall <br />rctaiin legal ownterrshiip of the iinstruu meat. <br />B. Any an d all recpaiirs shall be rmadc by or at the diirecctiionr of the STATE. If fuintdiint its avaiila Ic, <br />the STATE will pay for the cost of rmaiin tecntantcc antd recpaiir, or r~cplaccrmcnt due to normal wcar <br />antd tear recsuiItiint from r~ou tiinlee, proper uisc of the iin struurmcntt. <br />C. The STATE will rmaiinttaiin all necessary state antd federal iintvernttory control reccor~ds on these <br />itnlstru. rmaelite. <br />II. GOVERNMENTAL UNIT RESPONSIBILITIES. <br />A. The GOVERNMENTAL UNIT will uisc the iin struu meat spcciifiicd above to assiist iin ernfforciint <br />Minnesota laws antd local or~diinta tccs r~clatiint to traffiic antd hii hway safety antd for othcr law <br />cnforccrmcnt ap pliicatiionr s. <br />B. The GOVERNMENTAL UNIT will cep antd rmaiinttoiin the iin struurmcrat proviidcd by the STATE iin <br />proper ope�ratiin corer diitiionr . The GOVERNMENTAL UNIT will also be recspontsii Ic for arty antd <br />all chefs of recpaiiriint or r~cplaciint the iin struu meat t11 at its lost or darma cd duffs to rmiisu. isc or ak uisc. <br />C. The GOVERNMENTAL UNIT will proviidc antd rmaiinttaiin all diisposak Ic antd corer suui mak Ic <br />cormponents orii iirtall r proviidcd by the STATE, su& as DataMastcr DMT -G wiiffi IFuic1 Cc11 <br />Optiionr rmouithpiicccs, dry gas c lliintdcrs, priin tecr tour cr cartriid cs, antd paper an d will suippI r all <br />othcr necessary diisposa Ic antd corer summa Ic co mpontents ntot proviidcd by the STATE at the <br />