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GOVERNMENTAL UNIT'S expense. <br />D. The GOVERNMENTAL UNIT will make th�iis iin�strui mut�t available for use by arty breath test <br />operator certified by the STATE. <br />E. The GOVERNMENTAL UNIT will n�ot pe�rmmiit the iin�struimme�n�t to be operated or tammpe�re�d with by <br />iin�diiviiduial�s who are n�ot traiin�e�d in iits operation an�d ce�rtiifiie�d by the STATE as Data aster DMT- <br />G with Fuel Cell Option ope�rators. <br />F. The GOVERNMENTAL UNIT will make the iin�strui m�ut�t available to STATE auith�oriize�d personnel <br />when re�q�uiiire�d for iin�ve�n�tory or inspection puirpose�s. <br />Ill. TERMS OF AGREEMENT <br />Th�iis Agre�e�m�e�n�t shall be effective on Jan�uiary °1, 2011 or upon the date thl at the final re�q�uiiire�d signature <br />its obtaint�e�d by the STATE, puirsuian�t to Miin�n�. Stat. § 160.05, Subdivision 2, wh�iich�e�ve�r occuirs later, an�d <br />shall remain in effect until the iin�struim�ut�t its n�o Ion e�r mead an�d suipporte�d by the STATE or until <br />te�rmmiin�ate�d by e�iith�e�r of the partiie�s as proviide�d in Clause IV be�l�ow, wh�iich�e�ve�r occuirs fiirst. <br />At the end of th�iis Agre�e�m�e�n�t, the STATE will notify the GOVERNMENT UNIT iif th�e�y are re�q�uiiire�d to <br />return the iin�stru�m�e�n�t to the STATE. <br />I=11 V LVA I 10 FmAll 11010 <br />Th�iis Agre�e�m�e�n�t mar be te�rm�iin�ate�d by e�iith�e�r the STATE or GOVERNMENTAL UNIT at an tiimme�, with or <br />wiith�ouit cauise�, upon ten (10) days written notice to the otter party. The iin�stru�m�e�n�t mmu�st be re�tu�rn�e�d to <br />the STATE within 3,0 days of the termination date, an�d if the GOVERNMENTAL UNIT faiil�s to return the <br />iin�stru m�e�n�t within th�iis time pe�riiod the GOVERNMENTAL UNIT agrees to pay the STATE the cost of <br />red l�aciin the iin�stru m�e�n�t an�d paymme�n�t will be made to the STATE within 3,0 days of re�ce�iipt of iin�voiice�. <br />V. STATE'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE <br />The STATE'S au th�oriize�d representative age�n�t for the puirpose�s of th�iis Agre�e�m�e�n�t its Fran�k C. D or <br />.1 <br />h�iis de�siign�e�e�, De�partm�e�n�t of Pu�bl�iic Safety, Bureau of Criminal Appre�h�e�n�siion�, Fore n�si�c Science <br />Laboratory, 143�0 Maryl�an�d Avenue East, St. Paull, MN 55106. Such representative will have final <br />au�th�oriity for acceptance of the GOVERNMENTAL UNIT'S se�rviice�s. <br />VI. ASSIGNMENT <br />1 <br />. <br />GOVERNMENTAL UNIT shall n�e�iith�e�r assign nor transfer am nights or obl�ii gatiion�s uinde�r th�iis Agre�e�mme�nt <br />wiith�ouit the priior written consent from the STATE. <br />GOVERNMENTAL UNIT shall indemnify, save and h�ol�d the STATE, iits agents and e�m�pl�oye�e�s, <br />harmless from any cl�aiimms or cau se�s of actiion�, iin�cl�u diin all attorn�e rs" fees iin�cu�rre�d by the STATE, <br />ariisiin from the performance of th�iis Agre�e�mme�nt by GOVERNMENTAL UNIT or GOVERNMENTAL <br />UNIT'S agents or e�m�pl�oye�e�s. Th�iis clause will not be con�stru�e�d to bar am legal re�mme�diie�s <br />GOVERNMENTAL UNIT mnay have for the STATE; s failure to fulfill iits obl�ii gatiion�s purrs ,ant to th�iis <br />Agre�e�mme�nt. GOVERNMENTAL UNIT'S l�iiabiil�iity shall be gove�rne�d by the proviisiion�s of the Municipal <br />Tort Cl�aiimms Act, Miin�n�e�sota Statutes, Section 466.01-466.15 and otter applicable law. <br />LTJ I I W I I rm", I I = rm"Ili 9111 <br />Unnde�r Miin�n�. Stat § 16C.05, su d 5, the GOVERNMENTAL UNIT'S books, records, docu�mre�nts and <br />