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A <br />W <br />Item Description: <br />k" <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />REORGANIZATION OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />Date: 04/11/2011 <br />Item No.: 12 - b <br />City Manager Approval <br />11 BACKGROUND <br />2 In Septembelr of 2009 Chief CaIrol Sletnelr retilred from the Roseville Police Depaftment. Since that time the <br />3 Depaftment has, been administratively undem,taffed. <br />5 OBJECTIVE <br />6 The Police Department, as approved by the City Manager, wishes, to restrucWre in olrdelr to pelrfdrm public safety <br />"7 s,elrvices, in a molre efficient mannelr to suit today's, public safety needs, while allowing folr calreelr enhancements, <br />and s,ucces,lion planning fdr the Depaftment. The Depaftment is Irequesting the City Council approve the <br />9 restructuring as presented below. The 2011 Budget contains, sufficient Iresources , to afford the restructure and <br />110 approximately twenty thousand dollars , of salalry funds, will be saved in the process. Salalry savings, could be used <br />11 fdr capital expenses, olr applied toward funding a retail officelr position as part of a fuWre reques,t. This position was <br />12 outlined in the 2011 Council/ Department Head Planning Session as an "Ought to Do" in the near fuWre. The <br />13 retail community would be tasked to fund the Iremaining salalry of the swolrn offlcelr. <br />14, <br />15 The restrucWre process, includes,: <br />116 <br />1 "7 1 Add two lieutenant �pos,itions,- Administrative and Investigative. The Department currently operates , with <br />11 111",,'11 one lieutenant- Qpeer tions- which would be Iretained affolrding the Depaftment with t4ree lieutenants,. The <br />119 Department would promote two current s,ergeants, to lieutenant via a Police Civil Selrvice ceftified testing <br />20 process. The addition of two lieutenants, in the Department would be in line with other metro police <br />21 agencies, of oulr size. The Human Resoumes, Manager has, adapted the job descdption to include the <br />22 Administrative and Investigative Lieutenant and the current Lieutenant pay scale has, not �been affected. <br />23 At this, time the Depaftment would not ask to fill a rank �between lieutenant and chief of police and the <br />24, sworn staff would be voluntadly Ireduced from 49 to 48,. <br />25 <br />26 Summaw of Lieutenant iob description: To as,s,ist the Police Chief in the planning,, senior leademhip, <br />27 operations, and administration of the police department. Plans, and d[rects, the activities, of the as,s,igned <br />28 police function; including supe�rvision,, development, �budgeting,, analysis, and troubleshooting,, and <br />29 administrative reporting and reco�rdkeeping. <br />30 <br />31 The lieutenant helps, the Chief define,, establish and attain overall goals, and objectives, of the Police <br />32 Department and pelrfolrms, specialized duties, as assigned. This position is an exempt police administrator <br />33 whose primary objective is, to effectively lead and.... command a department divis,ion in Conformity with city <br />34, and departmental goals, and objectives,, community interests, and within the parameter, as, defined by law,, <br />35 code and city/departmental policies, and procedu�res. <br />37 Police Lieutenants, will rotate pedodically,, as determined by the Chief,, between the Depaftment's, Patrol, <br />Page I of 2 <br />