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In�ve�stii gatiion , an�d Administrative uIn�iits as de�scriibe�d be�l�ow: <br />Patr ©I Divisi ©n proviide�s l�e�ade�rsh�iip an�d suIpe�rviisiion of assh gn�e�d offiice�rs an�d ciiviil�iian personnel to e�n�sulre <br />effective an�d e�ffiiciie�n�t de�l�iive�ry of law enforcement se�rviice�s wiith�iin the con text of goals an�d objectives <br />ou�tl iin�e�d by the depart meat. <br />Investigative Division proviide�s l�e�ade�rsh�iip an�d suIpe�rviisiion of assigned offiice�rs iin�cl�uIdiin the JuIve�n�iil�e�, <br />Fammiil�y Viiol�e�n�ce�, an�d the School Liiaiison� as well to ensure effective an�d e�ffiiciie�n�t de�l�iive�ry of investigative <br />se�rviice�s. <br />Administrative Divisi ©n proviide�s l�e�ade�rsh�iip an�d suIpe�rviisiion of assii gn�e�d personnel an�d will assiist iin� <br />fulfilling day-to-day n�e�e�ds of the department such as sch�e�duIl�iin�g, e�q�uIiipm�e�n�t m�aiin�te�n�an�ce�, pulrch�asiin�g, <br />pl�an�n�itn�g, bu�dge�t m�an�age�mie�nit, research an�d sit miitl�ar activities. Thins posiltilon� provilde�s administrative <br />assistance to the Police Ch�iie�f iin all mmatte�rs relative to the suIpe�rviisiion of the police de�partmme�n�t. <br />2. Add a Lead Comm muln�iity Service Offiice�r posiitiion - Th�iis ciiviil�iian posiitiion wou�l�d replace the cuIrre�n�t <br />Administrative Se�rge�an�t (sworn offiice�r) posiitiion an�d wou�l�d provide diire�ct suIpe�rviisiion to the part-time <br />Comm muln�iity Service Offiice�r (CSO) posiitiion s, m�aiin�taiin the De�partmme�n�t"s fleet of ve�h�iicl�e�s an�d iin�ve�n�toriie�d <br />assets, am�on other duItiie�s. The HuIm�an Re�souIrce�s Manager has auIth�ore�d the job de�scriiptiion� an�d <br />assii gn�e�d a pay grade of 8 through a job an�al�ysiis of the posiitiion� iin� the Ciity 11 s Non�-Exe�mmpt, h�ouIrl�y pay <br />system for Ciity staff. The Lead CSO posiitiion its integral to the De�partmme�n�t"s re�strulctulriin plat. <br />SuIm�m�ary of Lead CSO iob descriptionJo su pe�rviise�, coordiin�ate�, an�d admmiin�iiste�r the day to day activities <br />of the Com�mmu�n�iity Service Offiice�r Program an�d the Police De�partm�e�n�t"s nixed assets. Assists with <br />Com�m�uln�iity Service Offiice�r fuln�ctiion� an�d performs du tiles as n�ece�ssary. <br />3�. Add a th�iird Part-time CSO Position- h 2009 the De�partmme�n�t"s CSO staff was re�du�ce�d from four part-time <br />posiitiion�s to two part-time posiitiion�s. The Department depends quite h�e�aviil�y on CSOs for animal con�trol�, <br />transporting arrested partiie�s to jail an�d De�tox, providing coin messy tran�sports after traffiic crash�e�s, <br />transporting jug ve�n�itl�e�s to sh�e�l�te�r h�om�e�s, transporting Department ve�hiitcl�e�s to maintenance appointments, <br />etc. The cu�rre�n�t CSO pay scale etas n�ot be�e�n affected. Adding a th�iird CSO wou�l�d gre�atl�y assiist the <br />Department an�d the pu�bl�iic irn pul bl�iic safety efforts. <br />7('.); FINANCIAL IMPACTS <br />1 The entire re�organ�iizatiion its cu�rre�n�tl�y fuln�de�d iin the 2011 Bu�dge�t an�d proviide�s for approximately twenty th�oulsan�d <br />72 dol�l�ars iIn sa ary savings. <br />73 STAFF' RECOMMENDATION <br />"74 The Ciity Man�ager an�d Police Department are recom�m�en�diin approval to restructure the Police Department as <br />presented above. <br />"7 6 <br />77 REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION <br />Req�u�est Council approval to restructure the Police Department as presented above. <br />79 <br />80 <br />Prepared by: Ch�ile�f RiIck Math�wilg <br />Attach�mme�n�ts: A. Proposed Organizational Chart <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />