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2012/13 Bud get Work Plan: <br />M <br />revised DRAFT — 4/11/11) <br />Event <br />Date Lsj <br />I <br />Council/Staff Work Plan/Strategic Planning meetings <br />Jan. 31 & Feb. 7 <br />2. <br />Council receives results of the citizen survey <br />Mar. 28 <br />3. <br />Council receives results of the minus 10% levy 2011 budget exercise <br />Mar 28 &Apr 11 <br />4. <br />Council approves 2011/12 Council/Staff Work Plan <br />Mar 28 <br />5. <br />Departments update 2012-2016 Strategic Plans based upon <br />Mar 28-May 23 <br />Council/Staff Work Plan/Strategic Planning meetings and priorities <br />6. <br />Council approves 2012 Budget Work Plan and basic budget <br />Apr 11 <br />documentation <br />7. <br />Council reviews and possibly refines Budget Ranking Methodology <br />Apr 11 <br />(note.- rename to "Program Listing Prioritization Methodology"'), <br />8. <br />Dept. by Dept. Council-Staff Q & A on items in Program Listing (to <br />Apr 18 <br />understand what the items in the listing are), (IF NECESSARY), <br />9. <br />Council and Staff review and agree on which items on Program <br />Apr 18 <br />Listing are truly mandatory, and any consolidations of items on the <br />listing <br />10. <br />Review and discuss updates as necessary), of Financial Policies <br />April 18 <br />11. <br />CM & Dept. heads develop and submit Program Listing prioritization <br />Apr 18-25 <br />results by dept. to Council (both. tax & non-tax supported programs), <br />Results reported as a single number (1 -5), representing the joint <br />CM/Dept. Head priority (each. dept head only prioritizes programs in <br />his/her dept.), <br />12. <br />With knowledge of joint CM/Dept. Head prioritization results, <br />Apr 25-May 9 <br />Councilmembers submit Program Listing prioritizations; <br />Results reported back to Council with listings by Councilmember and <br />Council averages <br />13. <br />Adoption (if necessary), of updated Financial Policies <br />April 25 or May 9 <br />