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Event <br />Date Lsj <br />14. <br />Staff report to Council on 2011 County Assessor's Report property <br />April 25 <br />value changes for 2012, and preliminary tax base change estimate. <br />15. <br />Council sets preliminary 2012/13 NTE levy <br />May 23 <br />16. <br />CM & Dept. heads develop I't DRAFT CM recommended 2012/13 <br />May 23 — July I I <br />Budget Expenditure Summary AND 2012/13 Capital Spending Plan <br />(aka Capital Budget) based on preliminary 2012/13 NTE levy amount <br />[and utility rates] <br />17. <br />CIP Subcommittee report due back to Council <br />June 13 <br />18. <br />CM presents I't DRAFT CM recommended 2012/13 Budget <br />Jul. I I <br />Expenditure Summary and 2012/13 Capital Spending Plan (aka. <br />Capital Budget) for tax- and non-tax supported programs <br />19. <br />Onl X iL(,o 'Council n <br />uncil wishes to have this discussion: Policy discussion o <br />Jul. 18 or 25 <br />whether to provide utility customer notices as part of rate setting <br />process (Roe suggestion) <br />20. <br />Dept. by Dept. public comment on I't DRAFT CM recommended <br />Jul. 18 & 25 as <br />2012/13 Budget Expenditure Summary and 2012/13 Captital <br />needed <br />Spending Plan (alga Captial Budget) for tax- and non-tax-supported <br />programs <br />21. <br />Council/staff discussion of issues raised in public comment on I't <br />August 8 or 15 <br />DRAFT CM recommended 2012/13 Budget Expenditure Summary <br />and 2012/13 Capital Spending Plan (alga Capital Budget) for tax- and <br />non-tax supported programs, and any factors or assumptions that <br />have changed since preliminary levy was set <br />22. <br />Staff report to Council on St. Paul Water and Met Council Sanitary <br />August 22 (tent) <br />Sewer changes for 2012. <br />23. <br />Council sets final 2012/13 NTE levy [and preliminary 2012/13 utility <br />Sept. 12 <br />rates] <br />24. <br />X ij(.,ouncil <br />County sends tax notices to property owners [Onl <br />Nov. 10-24 <br />apRroves this: City sends notices to utility customers on proposed <br />2012 utility rates and impacts] <br />25. <br />CM & Dept. heads refine I't DRAFT CM recommended 2012/13 <br />Sept. 13 — Dec. 4 <br />Budget Expenditure Summary and 2012/13 Capital Spending Plan <br />(alga Capital Budget), to create 2'd DRAFT,, based on final 2012 NTE <br />levy amount [and utility rates] <br />