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benefits and contributions for all <br />4) Partner with redevelopers to remediate <br />brownfields and redevelop industrial <br />sites <br />Strategy D: Enhance the city's diverse business <br />community <br />1) Actively promote Roseville in the <br />greater metropolitan area and <br />throughout the state and region <br />2) Encourage businesses with family- <br />sustaining jobs <br />3) More actively support existing businesses <br />4) Welcome new businesses <br />5) Seek out and support high quality businesses that enhance tax base <br />Goal: Roseville has a strong and inclusive sense of community <br />Strategy A: Foster and support community gathering places <br />1) Plan for, develop, and maintain public and private gathering places distributed <br />throughout the city <br />2) Promote inter- and intragenerational, multipurpose gathering places that promote a <br />sense of community <br />3) Explore public and private partnerships to develop community gathering places <br />4) Foster collaboration between city and community-based organizations, groups, and <br />nonprofits <br />Strategy B: Explore new Community Center <br />1) Assess needs and desires for new public facilities and programs, including a <br />Community Center,, through survey and other methods to identify community <br />expectations for public facilities regarding access, amenities, programs, etc. Ensure <br />that perspectives from traditionally underrepresented people are heard and <br />considered. <br />2) Take into account nearby facilities and opportunities. Explore strong partnerships to <br />better meet community needs. Consider options including pool, exercise/fitness, teen <br />activities,, technology access, performing arts, theater, eating and meeting spaces, <br />space for local organizations, etc. <br />3) Develop and implement action plan <br />Strategy C: Promote and support city-sponsored and community-based events <br />1) Support more volunteer activities and opportunities <br />2) Nurture existing arts programs and consider opportunities for larger-scale arts <br />initiatives, perhaps in connection with community gathering places; provide <br />opportunities for the arts to bloom <br />Strategy D: Encourage development of neighborhood identities to build a sense of community and <br />foster neighborhood comm un licat ions, planning, and decision making <br />1) Encourage development of neighborhood groups, organizations, and forums in order <br />Imagine Roseville 2025 Final Report, January 2007 Page 6 <br />