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to provide residents with a sense of belonging <br />2) Maintain neighborhood architectural integrity where possible <br />10 Al <br />Goal: Roseville residents are invested in their community <br />Strategy A: Provide meaningful opportunities for community engagement <br />1), Value community-driven change and provide for community-based planning to <br />promote + <br />all support <br />community-led civic involvement <br />2), Encourage community participation in <br />local government and administration <br />3), Promote understanding and acceptance <br />of the democratic process as a path to <br />the common good <br />4 Increase and improve outreach <br />methods,, especially to involve and <br />inform new/immigrant and under- <br />represented residents in community <br />and economic development decisions <br />5), Create and manage varied and <br />respectful community forums; adopt <br />and promote community norms for public discourse <br />6), Promote volunteer activities and opportunities, and neighborhood and city events <br />including ethnic celebrations/festivals <br />Strategy B: Ensure that clity government Iis clivil, informative, and responsive <br />1), Adopt and promote norms and codes of conduct for civil public discourse; respect <br />and encourage respectful discussions of differing perspectives <br />2), Promote open-mindedness on the part of its elected officials before they formulate <br />public policy, as well as encouraging a similar attitude on the part of community <br />members; expect City Council discussions to stay on the policy level <br />3), Ensure that city employees and elected officials respond appropriately and <br />respectfully to resident concerns, and clearly and transparently explain all actions <br />4 Ensure the public treats city employees respectfully at public meetings <br />5), Create timely and effective communications; make community information accessible <br />to everyone, including non-English speakers <br />6), Develop a community Help Desk; connect community members to available support <br />services <br />Imagine Roseville 2025 Final Report, January 2007 Page 7 <br />