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Finance & Commerce > Print > Culture change or fad? Twin Cities population shifts tower... Page 3 of 3 <br />He added that while access to transit was an (Submitted ch�aart: Metropolitan Council) <br />important factor, for where his firm built the <br />Ellipse, " e still believe that the Mlinnesotan is really a vehicle-driven person. We're not quite <br />there yet in terms of transit." <br />Kevin Locke, community development director for St. Louis Park, said the city's planning goal is <br />"'to make people places and not car places. It's not that we don't accommodate a car — most of <br />us still drive cars. <br />'"But we can do our best to focus more on the ped,.-qRTE.,TmIF.,TmTqMmTAffF-Z-Tqr4"mlK-I.FTiTgErzr7Mro Mm <br />]ones of Mletrostudy said the "resurgence" of the multifamily rental market is "a combination of <br />the fears about the economy and with home buying." <br />He suggests that the shift is part of a cycle. <br />"These types of cycles happen all the time — before it was more out of the city and into the far- <br />out suburbs, and now it's moving back into the city," ]ones said. '"But just when you think you've <br />got it all figured out, it starts to change again." <br />Complete URL: http://finance-commer,ce.,comi/2011/09/cullture-change-or-fadl -twin-cities-population-shifts- <br />tomwar'd-centr,al-core/ <br />http. Hfinnce- commerce. com/wp -c ontent/p lugins/dmc—s o ciab le—to o lb ar/wp -print.php?p—... 09/14/2011 <br />