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Urban Land.- Reinventing Real Estate <br />Page lof5 <br />Attachment I <br />� / � , ,l � J �i f ,,f j fJ � <br />0 <br />Reinventing Real Estate <br />l I <br />y Jim �Heid <br />The still loioiming waterfall oif maturing commercial mortgage—backed securities, the s/oi <br />thawing capital markets, and the ongoing uncertainty about where the next market will <br />W, <br />come froim have /eft real estate professionals searching for solid groiund. Entering the thi r <br />year oif the broiad recession, the industry has retrenched reorganized, and is struggling to <br />recapitalize. But is the industry retooling? I <br />Why the next 24, months will matter more than the past 24, years. <br />The Mar& 2008 collapse of Bear Stearns signr al ed the en of real estate 111 extended buill ruin. Thee <br />September 2008 trifecta of the Leh�man� ban kruiptcy couipled with the Washington uituial and Wach�ovia barer k <br />weekend fire sales shook the real estate in uistry to its core. The still looming waterfall of matuirin�g <br />commercial mortgage—backed securities, the slowly thawing capital markets, and the ongoing uin�certain�ty <br />abouit where the next market will come from have left real estate professionals searching for solid ground. <br />Entering the third year of the broad recession, the in uistry has retrenched, reorganized, and is struigglin�g to <br />recapitalize. Suit is the in uistry retooling? <br />For years the in uistry has accepted real estate as the gull - encompassing term for both what it does and what <br />it creates., By definition, real estate is "'all lan and improvements thiat are immovable.,"' Suit the increasing <br />complexity of how the in uistry goes abouit its buisin�ess an�d, more important, the positive impact it can have <br />on the broader society, defies the static n�atuire of the is one -dimen�sion�al definition. Recently, in uistry leaders <br />are shifting the discuission from the topic of real estate to the built environme�nt., The latter term provides a <br />more apt, multidimensional view of the in ulstry 11 s scope, en�compassin "'th�e manmade su�rrou�n in s that <br />provide the setting for h�uiman activity.''' <br />Changing how the in uistry thinks abouit what it does as less "'immovable lan and improvements''' and more <br />'I'providin�g the setting for h�uiman activity"' is anything bust suibtle. It creates a very different call to action an�d, if <br />the in uistry chooses, positions it to be one of the most positive forces of the coming decade for resolving <br />the complex challenges associated with h�uiman settlement. <br />ITUMO M.TTMP 0 =Mppl rl M.M. I � <br />After World War 11, real estate development change d from an in uistry of locally focussed entrepreneurs who <br />took great pride and responsibility in their commuin�ities, to one of a global n�atuire thiat delivered a range of <br />'I'produicts.,'' As companies souighl t to make these produicts conform to a formuila or easily replicated template- <br />�/�3D 09/14/201 1 <br />