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140 So with that in mind,, Staff has started the analysis of "What Roseville Wants"'. <br />141 Housima — What are the Market Needs, Identified Wants, Positive Tax Return for housing? <br />142 For housing, we do have lots of information that can help answer the question. <br />143 Market Needs. The 2009 Housing Market Analysis conducted for the HRA, has good information for <br />144 beginning to understand what the market is demanding. The HRA intends to conduct a market analysis <br />145 every five years, but the City may want to consider updating the information. See Attachment D for <br />14 6 information from the Market Analysis. During the period from 2009-2020, the report identifies the <br />147 following.- <br />148 0 A need of 40-50 new single family homes of which 25-30 would be "move-up"' homes priced <br />149 between $,350,,000 to $,500,,000 and 15 to 20 homes would be executive homes priced above <br />1 $,500POOO. <br />1 • A need of 60-70 entry level attached owner occupied multi-family units priced below $,275,000 <br />1 and 40-50 upper-end units priced above $,300,000. <br />1 w, 3 • A need for 80-100 market rate rental housing units and 80-100 affordable rental units. <br />1 • A need for 80-90 units of mixed income active adult senior citizen rental housing units. <br />1 • A need for a 60-70 unit senior cooperative or condominium building. <br />1 • A need for an additional 40-50 assisted living units and 24-36 memory care units. <br />1 w, The report also identifies some challenges and opportunities within Roseville, namely that there is not a <br />1 lot of available land for new housing to be developed on, and given that short supply, housing densities <br />1 9 will need to be high to accommodate the market demand. The report, while acknowledging that there is <br />160 a good supply of affordable housing in Roseville, states there still is a need for more diversity in the <br />16 1 affordable housing mix, especially for family and senior households. In relation to the aging of <br />162 Roseville's population, the report states that the baby boomer generation will look for more <br />163 ((maintenance free"' housing options in the near future, and won't demand senior housing with services <br />164 in large numbers until after 2020. The report recommends that the City continue to look at <br />165 partnerships with housing developers to bring needed projects forward and identifies that the <br />166 redevelopment of Twin Lakes area may foster additional housing demand once it is fully built-out. <br />167 Identified Wants. The 2030 Comprehensive Plan and Imagine Roseville 2025 identifies numerous <br />168 types of desirable housing for Roseville. See Attachments A and B for details on desired housing. <br />169 Some items from these documents include.- <br />1 70 Comprehensive Plan <br />1 "7 1 • Land Use Goal 43 Identify underutilized, deteriorated, or blighted properties and guide <br />1 "72 them toward revitalization,, reinvestment,, or redevelopment consistent with community <br />1 "7 3 goals, good planning and development principals. <br />1 "74 • Land Use Goal 47 Achieve a broad and flexible range of housing choices within the <br />1 "7 5 community to provide sufficient alternatives to meet the changing housing needs of <br />1 "7 6 current and future residents throughout all stages of life. <br />1 7 7 • Housing Goal 41 Provide a wide variety of housing options in order to retain and attract <br />1 "7 8 a diverse mix of people and family types with varying economic statuses,, ages,, and <br />1 79 abilities. <br />Page 5 of 10 <br />