Urban Land.- Planning Communities for 2020
<br />E*'age 3 of I
<br />•
<br />Ethnic diversity will increase, which will make the in uistry 11 s cuirren�t uin erstanr in�g of this niche seem
<br />trivial., People in the in uistry think they uin erstanr "'th sian market"' or "'thIe Hispanr is market,"' bust, in
<br />fact, the Asian market is 50 different markets, as is the Hispanr is market. Ten years from n�ow, the
<br />United States will be even more of a melting pot. Developers need to consider the different needs of
<br />the first, the second, and the their d generation of immigrants when developing product.
<br />• Fewer people will be commuitin�g by car to work five days a week. Developers need to think abouit how
<br />this is going to affect master-plan�n�ed commuin�ities, h�ouises, apartments, and offices.,
<br />•
<br />The women�"s market will re mire particuilar atten�tion�. It is widely acknowledged that women make th�e
<br />decisions abouit where they and their families live. And th�e power they h�old in th�e market is going to
<br />grow as their rising wages increase their puirch�asin�g power.,
<br />• There will be more of a merger between produict and services, meaning th�e merger of a place to live
<br />and facilities that provide desired services, be it health care, eduication�, technology, or a sense of
<br />commuin�ity. Developers need to determine which services to provide, how to merge them with th�e
<br />h�ouIsin�g product itself, and hIow to turn that combing tion inito any income stream long term.,
<br />• Thee amouint of mixed-uise space ins master-planned commuin�ities will increase becauise it will boost
<br />absorption ins both large and small planned commuin�ities, allowing the developer to exit sooner. I" ixed
<br />uises also help create the cool places where so many people wannt to live. Some mixed uise has the
<br />potential for valuie creation, allowing developers to get more money from the pieces ins a planned
<br />commuin�ity. For example, people will pay more for the right kind of h�ouisin�g if a restauirannt is next door,
<br />or to live ins a h�ouisin�g project if a daycare center and a school are nearby.,
<br />• There will be more global partners and global players ins the U.S., master-planned commuin�ity market.,
<br />Historically, there have been few-mainly h�omebuiilders and developers from the U.K., or Canada.,
<br />However, developers need to consider what the impact will be ins ten years when the U.S., market has
<br />more global players.,
<br />• There will be more buisin�ess model ch�an�ges as developers work with their h�omebuiilder partners,
<br />apartment partners, not- for - profits, ch�uirch�es, businesses, and other partners., Thee relation�sh�ips will
<br />ch�an�ge and new ways to finance projects will be found. Financing will be a problem, so new
<br />relationsh�ips with builders and others are going to be important.
<br />• Thee way planned commuin�ities are created is going to ch�an�ge, with developers getting customers,
<br />cities, and commuin�ities engaged ins the development process a lot earlier.,
<br />• Thee ins uistry -which ins a lot of ways is prehistoric and din�osauir-like-is going to mature, with developers
<br />becoming more soph�isticated,Fund customers benefiting becauise of it.,
<br />• Thee en�viron�men�t will become more and more important. Ins 2020, ins a world where gasoline may cost
<br />$110 per gallons, ch�an�ges are coming in how commuin�ities are created, how they are planned, and how
<br />they h�an�dle energy uise.,
<br />• Severe water shortages are on their way, so dramatic changes are coming in the way water is idled in
<br />commuin�ities ten years from now. Developers sh�ouild get ahl ea d of the cuirve now to try to uin erstan�d
<br />the implications of this change.
<br />•
<br />Thee shift to a 24/7 world has implications for a master-plan�n�ed commuin�ity where people are active all
<br />day and n�igh�t. Amenities will need to open arouin the clock, facilities will need to be ligh�ted at niighl t,
<br />and safety and security will leave to be provided.,
<br />• More people will be moving back to the cities becauise that is where the jobs are, bust some companies
<br />will be moving away from cities in order to expand.,
<br />•
<br />Thee in uistry is going to be more socially responsible, both for the sake of profits and becauise it is the
<br />right thing to do.,
<br />• Plan�n�ed commuin�ities will be denser, becoming taller and taking different shapes and sizes.
<br />Con�suimer segmentation by commuin�ity developers and h�omebuiilders in planned commuin�ities will
<br />increase., Segmentation by builders will also increase, with more large, public, national builders
<br />entering the market, as well as small and regional builders that can do niche products.
<br />• There will be more branded commuin�ities as customers look for truest and reliability., Life stage
<br />marketing will increase as developers better uin erstan how to own the relationship with the
<br />customer. Because developers work hear d to obtain customers, once people move into commuin�ities it
<br />only makes sense for developers to know what they are going to want five, ten, or 20 years down the
<br />road.,
<br />• Developers will leave to buiild more flexibility into commuin�ities becauise when 2020 arrives, they will
<br />need to be thinking abouit 2030 and 2040. Developers muist ask how their buiildin�gs can change over
<br />years and decades to leave a longer lifespan for customers.
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