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Urban Land.- Planning Communities for 2020 Page 2 of 4 <br />the loss of thiose nearly 2.,3 million h�ouiseh�olds age 45 to 54 -the age at which people typically buy move-uip <br />h�ou�sin�g an�d secon�d h�omes., <br />M examinationr of th rise in th numb er of older h�ouiseh�olds, plugs th in�crease in sin�gle-person h�ouiseh�olds <br />an couiples withou <br />it children-which co bins will grow by almost 9.,5 million by th n of th cade- <br />makes it is easy to see that any for plan�n commuin�ities in th nit ed States will be different th�an� that <br />previou� sly experienced. <br />U.S., h�ouiseh�old growths by race/eth�n�icity is an�oth�er guiide to h�ow commuin�ities sh�ouild be plan�n in the <br />future, with minorities projected to accoui n�t for 70 percen�t of net h�ouiseh�old growth between 2010 an 2020. <br />what do th se changes mean for the planning, design , developmen�t, an marketin�g of planr n ed commuin�ities <br />in the future? First, the industry muist appeal to all age groups, h�ouiseh�old types, an racial /ethnic gromps <br />becauise commuin�ities will be more diverse an in�tergen eration�al. The defin�ition� of plan�n�ed commuin�ities <br />muist therefore expanr to in�clui de riot on�ly n�ew developmen�ts with a variety of residen�tial h�ouisin�g types, an�d <br />the services an amenities to suipport them, bust also existing commuin�ities making the tranr sition� to serve the <br />nieeds of th" e ch�anigin�g popuNation in existing in�fill anid edge locations. <br />During the '''Faster-Plan�n�ed Communities 2020: What Does the Future Look Like?"' panel at the ULI Fall <br />Meeting in October, Perry Reader, president of Crosland in Florida, said the original cornerstones of <br />Celebration �-a sense of place and commuin�ity (both social design and desirable gath�erinig places), eduication� <br />and lifelong learning, health and wellness, and technology -are a great place to start in the reinvention of <br />raster- planned commuin�ities for 2020. Those cornerstones are as appropriate today as they were in 1996, <br />when the industry looked oust 15 years to 2010. Since that time, developers Dave learned the importance of <br />the following: <br />• Enrolling and partnering with the public sector, the existing community, and environmentalists in the <br />planning process., <br />• Understanding how fuituire markets will differ from those of today and how people will want -as well as <br />need -to live., <br />• Being environmentally sensitive and adopting the principles of suistain�able development and green <br />building, as well as the methods to implement th�em. <br />Identifying fuituire niche markets and align�in�g residential products, amenities, and services to address <br />what people want and need as they enter different life stages with change d lifestyles., <br />• Considering the entire existing commuin�ity as a potential suipport system to serve small-scale projects <br />that cannot provide needed amenities and services as a part of new development. <br />• Planning neigh) based on the principles of neigh) crafting, in which aesthetically <br />pleasing places are created in consideration of homes and commercial space being part of a whole <br />rather than individual structures. <br />• Designing more compact and affordable homes that integrate seamlessly into n�eigh�borh�ood and <br />village fabrics, with plan interiors that expand to incorporate privacy and outdoor living spaces., <br />• Creating walkable commuin�ity environments that feature safety, connectivity, security, puiblic realms, <br />and amenities that are shared by all residents. <br />• Structuring a diversified produict program that addresses con�suimer segmentation so a wide variety of <br />markets are served., <br />• Delivering on all promises made through marketing and sales., <br />• Having a compelling vision and big idea that answers the developer 11 s uiestion�, what do we want to <br />create?-a vision that inspires everyone involved to create places that enrich anid enhance all who live, <br />work, and play th�ere. <br />The panel drew several con�cluision�s duirin�g its session on the fuituire of the market, each of which needs to <br />be addressed by the industry as follows: <br />There will be more renters-both of single-family homes and other kinds of dwelling uin�its-so <br />developers need to figuire oust how to take advan�tage of the shift. <br />Niche marketing will increase dramatically. Numerous niches exist that the industry has not even <br />begun to understand, and each will have its own nuances. Developers need to consider how they can <br />make money by satisfying one or several of these niches. For example, master - planned commuin�ities <br />have not done a good job of dealin�g with the aging popuilation and how to design for it., <br />`/`3D 09/14/201 1 <br />