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- 1 .1 Decembe, 1982, <br />Regular Ifeeting of the City Cotmcl r 20 <br />The, City Council, met on the above date w'th the following <br />members present : Ke r�., Franke, Johnson., and, Demos. Absent: <br />Curley. <br />HL94AN RICETS <br />COMMISSION <br />& PARKS AND <br />RECREATION B04171, <br />Kehr Moved,, johnson, Seconded that thTee vacancies will exist PLANNING <br />I the Plannin g' A <br />ission as of pril, I'll 19,83, and applications COMMISSION <br />I C omm <br />will be accepted until February 7, 1,9�813 to fill the vacancies, <br />I <br />Roll Call, Ayies-, Kehri, Franke, Johnson, and Diemos. Nays: <br />Nione . <br />Kehr Moved., Johnson Seconded,, that, Robert, Guy be appointed to POLICE CIVI <br />the koseville P'oll"L,ce Civil Service Comm' J <br />ission for a three-yea-r SERVICE <br />term beginn," January', 19183, and, ending, Dece�mbeir 31, 1985a COMISSION <br />.11 ing <br />Roll Call, kyes: Kehr, Franke, joh,nsion, and Demos. Nays: <br />NoneS I <br />Cl- 2 Kehr Moved, Frankel Seconded, that a meeting be est,abi shed with ROSEVILLE <br />the Roseville liegisiative delegation, at 70.130 a.m., December LEGISLATORS <br />29,9 1,982., Rol,l Call,, Ayes: Kehr, Franke,, Johnson, and Demos, <br />Nays: None, <br />1) Walking course for seniors, <br />2) Hand 0' <br />icap ariea- sitie prep aratl 011, 101 <br />31) Han,di,cap area eq,u,i,piment installation. <br />Roll, Call, Ayes,: Kehr,, Franke,, Johnson., and, Demos* Nays: None. <br />