Council Minutes
<br />DecemberH.,, 1982 Meeting
<br />-2-
<br />a
<br />E-3 Johnson, Moved, Keh,r Seconded, that Resiolution, 7451, transferring RESOLUTION
<br />ji 1,
<br />funds from the Contingency Fund to, the General, and Recreation .7451'
<br />Funds for 1,9�,82 salaries in the amolunt of $118J.136, and employer
<br />0 Mi
<br />3 , nsuranice in the, amount of $11,817, 'be adopted. Roll Call.,
<br />Ayes: Kehr, Frankle., Johnson, and Demos. Nays: None,
<br />Johnsion, Molved', Kehr Seconded, to designate $200.,000 of the NATURAL
<br />i
<br />General Fund balance for natural disasters. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Keh Franke,31 Johnson, and Demos. Nays: None,
<br />E-4 Johnson Moived, -Kehr', Secondied,., that the City Manager be authorized LOCAL 49
<br />1
<br />to execute tihe 1983' lablor agreement with Local 49 Operating LABOR AGREEMENT
<br />i
<br />Engilneers, Roll Call, Ayes:- Kehr, Franke, johnson, and Demos.
<br />*1
<br />N'ay's V None
<br />E-5 Franke i4oved, Keh-r Seconded, that Resolution 7452". increasing RESOLUTION
<br />the s alary -range for Clierical-Technical employees by 6%, and 7452
<br />Providing for a monthly insurance clontribution of $135., be
<br />adopted,,, Roll, Call, Ayes: Kehr, Franke, Johnson,, and Demos.
<br />Nays: None,, .
<br />Franke Movied,, Kehr Secionded, that Resolution 7'453,, increasing RESOLUTION
<br />the salary riangle for Supe-rv3gsory-Conf"id,ent,i,aI employees by 6%, 7453
<br />and providing, for a mointh,l,y insurance contribution of $160, be
<br />adopted. Roll Cal,l,, Ayes: Kehr, Franklei, johnson, and Demos,
<br />Nays.w None,
<br />E-i7 Johnson Moved.,, Kiehr Seconded, that 'the Roseville infiltTat 'ion INFILTRATION.
<br />in.flow, analysis report be accepted.,, and that the City staff be
<br />instructed to transimit thi,s report t,o the Minnesota Pollution
<br />Control Agency, Roll Call, Ayes: Kiehrl Franke, Johnson, and
<br />Demos,., Nays: None.
<br />