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3Community Interest and Opinion Survey: Let your voice be heard today! <br /> The City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department would like your input to help determine <br /> park and recreation priorities for our community. This survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete. <br /> When you are finished, please return your survey in the enclosed postage-paid, return-reply <br /> envelope. We greatly appreciate your time. <br /> 1. Counting yourself, how many people live in your household? <br /> 2. From the following list of City of Bloomington parks, please check ALL the PARKS you and <br /> members of your household have used during the past year. <br /> (01) Bryan Park (12) Park Ridge Park <br /> (02) Building and Trades Park (13) Park Ridge East Park <br /> (03) Cascades Park (14) Peoples Park <br /> (04) Crestmont Park (15) Rev. Ernest Butler Park <br /> (05) Griffy Lake Nature Park (16) Schmalz Farm Park <br /> (06) Highland Village Park (17) Seminary Square Park <br /> (07) Latimer Woods (18) Sherwood Oaks Park <br /> (08) Leonard Springs Nature Park (19) Southeast Park <br /> (09) Miller-Showers Park (20) Third Street Park <br /> (10) Olcott Park (21) Thomson Park <br /> _(1 1) Winslow Woods Park (22) None, do not use any parks [skip to Q5] <br /> 3. Which THREE of the PARKS from the list in Question #2 have you and members of your <br /> household used the most during the past year? [Using the numbers in Question #2 above, please <br /> write in the numbers for the parks you use most.] <br /> 1st: 2nd: 3rd: <br /> 4. Overall, how would you rate the physical condition of ALL the City of Bloomington parks you <br /> have visited? <br /> (1) Excellent (3) Fair <br /> (2) Good (4) Poor <br /> 5. Have you or other members of your household participated in any recreation or sports <br /> programs offered by the City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department during the past <br /> 12 months? <br /> (1) Yes [Please answer Questions#5a &#5b.] <br /> (2) No [Please go to Question #6.] <br /> 5a. Approximately how many different recreation or sports programs offered by the City of <br /> Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department have you or members of your household <br /> participated in over the past 12 months? <br /> (1) 1 program (3) 4 to 6 programs (5) 11 or more programs <br /> (2) 2 to 3 programs (4) 7 to 10 programs <br /> 5b. How would you rate the overall quality of the recreation or sports programs that you and <br /> members of your household have participated in? <br /> (1) Excellent (3) Fair <br /> (2) Good (4) Poor <br /> OLeisure Vision/ETC Institute for the City of Bloomington Parks & Recreation Department Page 1 <br />