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6. Please indicate if YOU or any member of your HOUSEHOLD has used any of the following parks <br /> and recreation facilities listed below by circling the YES or NO next to the park/facility. <br /> If YES, please indicate how you would rate the condition of the parks and recreation facility by <br /> circling the corresponding number to the right of the facility. <br /> Do You Use this If YES You Use, How would you rate the <br /> Name of Facility Facility? condition of the facility? <br /> Yes No Excellent Good Fair Poor <br /> A. Allison-Jukebox Community Center Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> B. Banneker Community Center Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> C. Bloomington Adult Community Center Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> D. Bloomington Rail Trail Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> E. Bryan Park Pool Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> F. Cascades Golf Course Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> G. Cascades Skatepark Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> H, Clear Creek Trail Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> I. Community Gardens Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> j, Frank Southern Ice Arena Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> K. Low Ropes Challenge Course Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> L. Mills Pool Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> M. Olcott Park football/soccer fields Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> N. Shelter houses in City Parks Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> p. Twin Lakes Sports Park Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> p, Wapahani Mountain Bike Park Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> Q. Winslow Sports Park Yes No 5 4 2 1 <br /> 7. Which THREE of the FACILITIES from the list in Question #6 have you or members of your <br /> household used the most during the past year? [Using the letters in Question #6 above, please <br /> write in the letters for the facilities you use most.] <br /> 1st: 2nd: 3rd: <br /> 8. Please CHECK ALL the reasons that prevent you or other members of your household from <br /> using parks, recreation and sports facilities or programs of the City of Bloomington Parks and <br /> Recreation Department more often. <br /> _(01) Facilities are not well maintained _(11) Poor customer service by staff <br /> _(02) Program or facility not offered _(12) I do not know locations of facilities <br /> _(03) Facilities lack the right equipment _(13) Use services of other agencies <br /> _(04) Security is insufficient _(14) Not accessible for people with disabilities <br /> _(05) Lack of quality programs _(15) I do not know what is being offered <br /> _(06) Too far from our residence _(16) Facility operating hours not convenient <br /> _(07) Class full _(17) Registration for programs is difficult <br /> _(08) Program times are not convenient _(18) Lack of parking by facilities and parks <br /> _(09) Use facilities in other cities _(19) Other: <br /> _(10) Fees are too high _(20) None <br /> OLeisure Vision/ETC Institute for the City of Bloomington Parks & Recreation Department Page 2 <br />