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Roseville Parks and Re(:reation <br /> Task <br /> Based on NRC's experience and that of other leading researchers, we have created a table that <br /> compares the strengths of various survey administration modes. A previous version of this table was <br /> included in our book Citizen Surveys; How to do them, how to use them, what they mean (1CMA, 2000). <br /> Table 1: Comparison of administration methods for general population surveys <br /> Issue Phone Mail Web' <br /> Moderately Moderately Moderately <br /> Expense per(1-onipleted survey a, inexpensive inexpensive a, <br /> a <br /> e e si e <br /> Speed of adniinistration Moderately Moderately Moderately <br /> st slow st <br /> response rate F'air Good Poor <br /> Ability,to obtain : dii d responses [" ii E le l l e o- Ex(lellent <br /> Oiniination of interviewer bias ii r E le l l e o- Ex(lellent <br /> Ability,to get at ii - e a li o- ii"' d F' ii r <br /> Use of visual aids Poor Good Good <br /> Enfor(:enient of question order Ex(:ellent Poor Good <br /> Oiniination of"(:overage" bias F'air/Good Ex( F'air/Good <br /> im-11usion of flUterate respondents Good Poor Poor <br /> im-11usion of young adults Poor Poor F'air <br /> im-11usion of respondents of lower so(-J e: : ii : <br /> a at a <br /> e:ci f li n gs e r li k: lo(:ations Poor E :e l l e o- Poor <br /> (K- NatiuC ial Re s e&Irdh C&C it&rl 2010 <br /> For the survey project that the RPR wishes to conduct, we would explore the best fit, given the <br /> preferred cost allocation, the timeframe and the type of data. All things being equal, we often will <br /> recommend a mail survey because of the lower cost, better respondent candor, higher response <br /> rates and the ability to target respondent geographic location with the precision required to <br /> understand differences by subareas. We will give careful and impartial guidance regarding the <br /> options and will steer you away from any approach that may compromise the quality of the data. <br /> ' As a strand-alone data collection method with recruitment via mailed postcard,the response rate for Web is surprisingly low. <br /> The large mailing size required to achieve the desired number of completes significantly increases the cost of data collection via <br /> Web.Web is more economical when paired with a mailed survey(permitting responses via either method)or when a complete <br /> list of email addresses is available for the population of interest,as often is the case for members of organizations. <br /> 2"Coverage"bias refers to the bias that may be introduced into survey results based on the parts of the population that may not be <br /> reachable by a certain data collection mode. For a mailed survey,coverage is quite high. We use lists based on LISPS addresses, so <br /> nearly all housing units are included, even those in multi-family buildings. Land-line phone coverage is rapidly declining,with <br /> differential rates by socio-economic and demographic characteristics. Some of this bias can be eliminated by including cell <br /> phones,but there are issues with calling cell phones. Due to federal regulations, special dialing procedures have to be used. (Cell <br /> phone numbers cannot be computer-dialed,but must be hand-dialed.)You might want to consider whether recipients will be <br /> annoyed to hear from the City on their cell phone, even for a survey. It is much more expensive to include cell phone users,but <br /> may be necessary to get a representative sample of the community. <br /> Page 6 <br />