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Roseville Parks and Re(:re ation Survey <br /> ................. <br /> a birthday, calling back when the eligible adult is not available (this increases costs slightly, but <br /> ensures a representative sample). If we use the voter list, we would mail the survey to or ask to <br /> speak to the specific named voter. <br /> Choosing -the Sample Size <br /> It should be noted that telephone surveys tend to have smaller sample sizes while mailed surveys <br /> tend to have larger sample sizes. This is due to the costs associated with each administration method <br /> as a telephone survey with a small sample costs about as much as a mailed survey with a larger <br /> sample. <br /> The relationship between sample size and precision <br /> of estimates (the 95% confidence interval or margin Margin of Error <br /> of error) is shown in the adjacent table. The table Sample Size (95%Confidence interval) <br /> can be interpreted as follows: If 60% of 400 100 ±9.8% <br /> Roseville residents reported that the Parks and 150 ±8.0% <br /> Recreation Department provides "excellent" service, 400 +-4.9% <br /> we can be confident that, had we gotten ratings 600 +4.0% <br /> from all residents, somewhere between 55% and 800 ±3.5% <br /> 65% would have responded that the Department 1,000 ±3.1% <br /> provides excellent service. 1,500 ±2.5% <br /> We have provided cost estimates for a final sample size of 400 completed surveys. (For a mailed <br /> survey, this is an approximate number of completed surveys; we estimate the likely response rate <br /> and choose the number of survey recipients appropriately. For a telephone survey, we can exhaust <br /> replicates of sample until a precise number of interviews is completed.) We are happy to provide <br /> cost estimates for other sample sizes, if desired. <br /> 0 0 <br /> Task 3.,, Developing the Questionnaire <br /> NRC and GreenPlay have completed hundreds of survey projects and can bring our considerable <br /> experience to managing the process of developing the survey instrument with RPR. We have the <br /> survey process expertise and have helped many jurisdictions develop surveys that inform <br /> performance measurement, support policy planning and determine unmet community needs. But, <br /> whatever our skills, your staff and citizen group and other stakeholders know best what decisions <br /> RPR is facing and what guidance they need from the community. We always will be prepared with <br /> content and wording suggestions, but will listen closely and help you define your specific needs. <br /> NRC and GreenPlay will work with you to develop and prioritize questions and will work to <br /> balance the length of survey (and burden on respondents) with your need for the data each question <br /> represents. <br /> Page 8 <br />