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Roseville Parks and Re(:re ation Survey <br /> ................. <br /> iriterview tirr es <br /> Each provided number is dialed five to eight times prior to being deemed"exhausted." A number is <br /> given a disposition within the CATI system where the entire sample is managed electronically. <br /> Based on the assigned disposition, numbers are generated randomly for continued dialing <br /> throughout the project until each is turned into a completed interview or an exhausted number. <br /> Interviewing generally takes place between 5 and 9 pm Sunday through Friday. <br /> le iterrt,,ipted ir iter vie ws (r�r'iid r iter vie w <br /> Virtually all interviews that are interrupted prior to completion are done so because the respondent <br /> discovers the time for continuing has become inconvenient. Interviewers are trained to use pre- <br /> developed rebuttals encouraging the respondent to complete the survey if at all possible since <br /> sparsely completed surveys are not used in the final results. If the respondent is adamant about not <br /> finishing, the interviewer is trained to request a more convenient time to complete the survey. If <br /> the respondent agrees, the interviewer schedules a"callback"by manually entering the appropriate <br /> time and date for the continuation of the interview into the CATI system. When the scheduled call <br /> is due, the number is automatically inserted into the dialing sample so an interviewer may complete <br /> the survey with the respondent at the scheduled time. <br /> R <br /> Refusals are a natural part of any telephone survey. Different courses of action, depending on the <br /> developing refusal rate, are recommended. Interviewers are trained to separate refusals into two <br /> categories: hard and soft. Hard refusals (adamantly not interested or requests to be taken off the <br /> list) are not reinserted in the working sample. These numbers are pulled out of the sample <br /> permanently. Soft refusals are those where the respondent was very nice, but was unwilling to <br /> schedule an actual callback time. Soft refusals, when attempted again, are often converted into <br /> completed interviews. There is no extra charge for this procedure. <br /> Some clients, especially public clients, worry about offending potential respondents by appearing <br /> too aggressive with soft refusal call-backs. Thus, we generally recommend that attempted <br /> conversions not be made with soft refusals. If you decide you would like this procedure to be <br /> implemented, interviewers are trained to be extra sensitive in these situations. <br /> 7..........rackirig call dispositioris <br /> Each provided number is dialed a minimum of five to eight times prior to being deemed <br /> "exhausted." A number is given a disposition within the computer aided telephone interviewing <br /> (CATI) program where the entire sample is managed electronically. A summary is provided of <br /> dispositions for every call attempt. Typical call disposition categories include: refusal; busy; <br /> computer tone; no answer; language barrier (other than Spanish if there is a Spanish element <br /> included in the study); disconnected; business/government; answering machine; mid-interview <br /> terminate; scheduled callback; and completed. <br /> Page 1.1. <br />