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Roseville Parks and Re(:reation <br /> survey data are entered twice into an electronic dataset and then compared. Discrepancies are <br /> evaluated against the original survey form and corrected. Range checks as well as other forms of <br /> quality control are also performed. <br /> Telephone " "I ta <br /> ,���"fir°"I" °'�:���"f" ��1�ro ."W�`�` ���..... �°�� ��� "������ ° �� ����°���"� ����� .��W <br /> ����� <br /> Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) is an interactive front-end computer system <br /> that aids interviewers to ask questions over the telephone, and manages the sample (the RDD <br /> telephone numbers to be called by the interviewers). To aid in interviewing, the interview script is <br /> programmed. The computer program controls branching to or skipping among questions, and <br /> validates the data as it is entered. As the interviewer reads the question on the screen and enters the <br /> response, the next question is automatically brought up onto their screen. In addition to controlling <br /> the branching, a CATI system provides on-line checks on the responses keyed in and alerts the <br /> interviewer of inconsistent or out-of-range values. This improves the overall quality of data <br /> collected, and means that the separate step of data entry is unnecessary. <br /> A CATI system also schedules and dials households via an automated process. The system searches <br /> for the next household to call based on certain priority rules. If the call was not answered, the <br /> system automatically schedules the household to another time. If the interview could not be <br /> completed, the system also allows interviewers to re-schedule the appointment to a date and time <br /> favored by the household. <br /> Interviewers are carefully trained to understand not only the specific meaning of the words in the <br /> questionnaire script, but also the broader purpose of the survey. Experienced supervisors are <br /> always on-site and available to interviewers. Calls are frequently monitored by supervisors and can <br /> be monitored by clients as well. <br /> We will pilot test the instrument with a small sample of respondents. Pretesting helps to ensure <br /> that the questionnaire is clear and unbiased; and allows for editing ambiguous or stilted questions. <br /> Pretesting also allows interviewers the opportunity to create effective responses to unanticipated <br /> respondent answers or questions. Generally, if we have done our questionnaire design work well, <br /> only a few changes grow out of the pretesting, although some can be critical. When all pretest <br /> interviews are complete, modifications to the survey are made, if necessary, and then confirmed <br /> with the client. The interviews completed as part of the pilot testing of the survey will count <br /> toward the total number of desired completed interviews and be included in the final dataset. <br /> NRC staff always listen in on the pretests, and we invite you to join us if you are interested. We <br /> can provide a call in number and you can monitor the interviews and speak with the project <br /> manager, to discuss any suggestions or concerns, as the interview proceeds (the interviewer and <br /> respondent cannot hear your comments). <br /> Page m. <br />