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-----Original Message----- <br /> From: Ron Vine [] <br /> ® Wednesday, December 29, 2010 5:14 PM <br /> To: Jill Anfang <br /> Cc: Lonnie Brokke <br /> Subject: RE: Roseville Parks & Recreation <br /> Jill: Thank you for your note. The following are answers to your questions <br /> (under each question) <br /> -----Original Message----- <br /> From: Jill Anfang [] <br /> Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 4:08 PM <br /> To: 'Ron Vine' <br /> Cc: Lonnie Brokke <br /> Subject: Roseville Parks & Recreation <br /> Ron, <br /> The Citizen Advisory Team met today to review and discuss the community surveys. They were <br /> impressed by your materials and have a few questions they were hoping you could answer. <br /> 1. What is the breakdown (percentage) between the mail and phone survey? There is a concern that <br /> there are fewer and fewer land lines and are concerned that those contacted by phone will not include <br /> many of the younger population. <br /> Normally, the breakdown is about 60-70% by mail and 30-40% by phone. However there are <br /> communities that get a much higher return by mail. We very seldom get less than 60% through the mail. <br /> The question regarding land lines is very important and one of the major reasons we do mail and phone <br /> surveys. While we have complete capabilities to do the survey by phone you do miss those who don't <br /> have land lines which are many of the younger population. We have solved that by ordering a portion of <br /> our sampling from households that only have addresses and no phone numbers. This has enabled us to <br /> get those younger populations and also ensure a survey that represents your community through our <br /> ® approach. <br /> 2. Our City Council has authorized the communications department to move forward with a citizen <br /> satisfaction survey that will be distributed early in the New Year. What are your thoughts on not <br /> duplicating the recipients of the two survey -- if we were to receive a listing of the households that <br /> received the initial city-wide survey can these addresses be eliminated from the greater database that <br /> your group would be using to compile information? <br /> Yes, we could do that. The vast majority (90% or more) could be eliminated. Sometimes households <br /> have multiple listings, i.e. households that have two or more names on one household address/phone <br /> number. <br /> I might mention that if you are sending proposals out on the customer satisfaction survey, we have <br /> extensive experience conducting customer satisfaction surveys across the country. <br /> 3. How is the Benchmarking component best used? Is there any correlation between ICMA Benchmarks <br /> and your pool of Benchmarks? <br /> Our clients will tell you that the benchmarking information is of great value to them in a variety of ways, <br /> ranging from setting performance standards, understanding where to allocate resources, developing <br /> strategic plans and master plans, understanding where their agency is in the market place, etc. <br /> For example, lets say that in your survey 40% of your household respondents who participate in <br /> programs feel your recreation programs are excellent. Should you be concerned with that percentage or <br /> not? We know from our benchmarking data base than on average 30% of program participants feel the <br /> programs that are offered are excellent. Those communities that are best practices providers have a little <br /> more than 50% of their program participants rating their programs as excellent. Having this information <br />