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Geneva <br /> BAR"EKS"FRIC"T Community Interest and Opinion Survey: Let your voice be heard today! <br /> The Geneva Park District would like your input to help determine park and recreation priorities for our <br /> community. This survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete.When you are finished,please return your <br /> survey in the enclosed postage-paid, return-reply envelope. We greatly appreciate your time. <br /> Do you live in the Geneva Park District? <br /> (1) Yes [Please continue with the survey.] <br /> (2) Not sure [Please continue with the survey.] <br /> (3) No [Please discontinue the survey.] <br /> 1. Please indicate all of the Geneva Park District parks that you or members of your household have <br /> visited during the past year. <br /> (O1) Island Park (07) Sandholm Park <br /> (02) Sunset Park (08) Wheeler Park <br /> (03) Peck Farm Park (09) Moore Park and Water Sprayground <br /> (04) Peck Farm Baseball Complex (10) South Street Fields and Skate Park <br /> (OS) Peck Farm Soccer Fields (11) Smaller Neighborhood Parks <br /> (06) Mill Creek Community Park (12)None [skip to Q3] <br /> 2. Overall how would you rate the level of maintenance of ALL the Geneva Park District parks you have <br /> visited? <br /> (1) Excellent (3) Fair <br /> (2) Good (4) Poor <br /> 3. Please indicate how often you and members of your household have used each of the following major <br /> parks,recreation and sports facilities operated by the Geneva Park District during the past 12 months <br /> by circling the appropriate number to the right of each facility. <br /> Times your household used facifily during past 12 months Never 1-9 times 10-24 times 25-49 times 50+times <br /> (A) Sunset Racquetball and Fitness Center....................l ............. 2................3 ................ 4.................. 5 <br /> (B) Geneva Community Center......................................l ............. 2................3 ................ 4.................. 5 <br /> (C) Stephen D. Persinger Recreation Center..................l 2................3 4.................. 5 <br /> ............. ................ <br /> (D) Peck Farm Park Interpretive Center...........................l ............. 2................3 ................ 4.................. 5 <br /> (E) Stone Creek Miniature Golf Course ........................1 ............. 2................3 ................ 4.................. 5 <br /> (F) Sunset Pool....................................................................1 ............. 2................3 ................ 4.................. 5 <br /> (G) Western Avenue Gymnasium..................................1 ............. 2................3 ................ 4.................. 5 <br /> (H) Harrison Street School Gymnasium.........................l 2................3 4.................. 5 <br /> ............. ................ <br /> (I) Friendship Station(GPD Preschool)..........................1 ............. 2................3 ................ 4.................. 5 <br /> 4. How would you rate the overall quality of the major parks, recreation and sports facilities listed in <br /> Question#3 above that you and members of your household have used during the past 12 months? <br /> (1) Excellent (3) Fair (5) Don't know <br /> (2) Good (4) Poor <br /> OLeisure Vision/ETC Institute for the Geneva Park District—April 2010 Page 1 <br />