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Counc " Imember Kehr requested this sub *e�ct "to be pla,ced, on the agenda for <br />3. <br />consideration There is os i Meto l,ity that the r Region Of f i,ce of <br />, a Psib <br />the Department of Natural Resources %will, be closed. 1 In-formation relative <br />to this Possible action is attached. <br />The proposed action, is requesting the Minnesolta, Legislature to allow the <br />ll <br />continuation of the Regilonal. Office. <br />Councill Action Requested: Mo.14:1on to adopt -a resolutil on. requesting the <br />Minndsolta I.Oaqislature to adopt. legislation <br />enabli,n g, th e cont I f the Present <br />wnuation o <br />regional, structure, of the Departnent of <br />Natural, Resources,, <br />m <br />