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"Zxtract of Minutes of meeting <br />.. of City Council <br />City of Roseville <br />Held: -February 14, 1983 <br />WHEREAS,, it now appears that clos ing the DN'R Metro Office and transferring <br />its functions, to, an outstate DNR facility,, will not in any event accompli's <br />tihe cost reduction, that was the legislative intent of HF 2190 (Laws of <br />Minniesota for 1,982, Ch. 641, Art. lo, e <br />ec <br />S,., 2, Subdo 1j, 'itm <br />ut would <br />instead diminish the services available to the City- of Roseville and Its <br />r i dents; <br />es,3. <br />NOWI. THEREFOREI BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Roseville <br />1S opposed to closing the DNR Metro Reglon Office, and requests that the <br />Minnesiota Legislature adopt legislat' <br />Ion enabling the continuat-lon of the <br />Present rie, lonal structure of the Department of Natural Resources., <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting_of the City <br />11 of the City of Roseville,. Minnesota was duly held- <br />Councl in the City <br />Hall in said City on Monday.. the 14th day of February, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. <br />The following members were present <br />III Y <br />ing t;- <br />and,, the foll low members were absen <br />Member introduced the following resoluti <br />fiy ion and moved its <br />adoptio'n. <br />"Y <br />r 5. RESOLUTION NO <br />RESOLUTICK REGARDING <br />nti <br />DNR METRO REGION OFFI1 <br />'WHEREAS the City of Roseville works' closely th the DNR Metro Region <br />W1 <br />Office to plan and implement Proper management of the natural resources <br />that are located within this Clity, and this cooperative e f fort could not <br />be contnueld, ef fectivel <br />i y from an outstate DNR facility; and <br />WHEREASt, the City of Roseville has many fishing hunting related businesses <br />that contribute to our economy, as well as a large number of anglers, <br />and other'. outdoor sports enthusiasts who regularly utilize the <br />..hunters., <br />servicies of the DNR Metro Region Of fice, and who could not be served <br />effectively from an outstate DNR facill"Ity; and <br />WHEREAS,, it now appears that clos ing the DN'R Metro Office and transferring <br />its functions, to, an outstate DNR facility,, will not in any event accompli's <br />tihe cost reduction, that was the legislative intent of HF 2190 (Laws of <br />Minniesota for 1,982, Ch. 641, Art. lo, e <br />ec <br />S,., 2, Subdo 1j, 'itm <br />ut would <br />instead diminish the services available to the City- of Roseville and Its <br />r i dents; <br />es,3. <br />NOWI. THEREFOREI BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Roseville <br />1S opposed to closing the DNR Metro Reglon Office, and requests that the <br />Minnesiota Legislature adopt legislat' <br />Ion enabling the continuat-lon of the <br />Present rie, lonal structure of the Department of Natural Resources., <br />