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.-4 . ................. <br />;05 <br />0i <br />44 a I <br />rye <br />A <br />P-Arn. 1/11 - I <br />der <br />1111W, <br />W <br />I III 1 11, <br />50 C <br />VOL. 16, NO'. 4 - OutdolofNews',p PwOle Box 271�4SI ',,GloldenVollllle�y�, Minn. S�S427 P,hone546,-,4251 celpyri 1"13 FRIDAY, JANU�ARY 28, 1983 <br />I won %ITIV4% WWOU19 DO L9301104% <br />Metro DNeadquarlers If NR Is Closed <br />By LEN L,EBBEY <br />statewide regiord to three, anid <br />If cost-conscious members of <br />this specific mandate was includ. <br />the Minnesota, legislature, force <br />ed in the bud ig eito-reduction bill as, a <br />the Department of Natural Re-i <br />tGrider -."I' la this reduction shalil, iTI-I <br />sources to close down or trarisfer, <br />clude closing the metropolitan <br />lits, Metro Region Headquarters,, <br />region, office., <br />Twin Cities area soorUme�n will <br />- EF THE LEGISLATURE- does <br />notice more than j , ust the loss of <br />not change its instructions to tihe <br />giew <br />co-o�riented-fisheriies miana i <br />DfiMi, it will, in fact, destroy, what <br />seems, to, be a compict, self-con- <br />A low ofemphasil'S on metroPiol- <br />tamled admk&tratune and operi <br />itan, area fishing would, be bad, <br />tional "team" that works well <br />enough. <br />toglether and has, cooperated with <br />. FRANK SCHNEIDER, <br />numerous local goverment bo- <br />Minnesota, Spordishim Congress <br />dies on projects that have worked <br />P Went, recently Pr Metro <br />resi , 91 <br />to, the a,dvantage, not only of <br />Region FW*rtes. Supervism Dur <br />sportmen, but anyone who en- <br />a,nie Shodielen, f or, i6novative, and <br />joys contacit with wiIMe and the <br />rd-loking prorams that, <br />outdoors as �rtof' the unique <br />*1 <br />benefit i ft� hundreds of' thousands, <br />46 lit <br />, qua . y of life in the Twin Cities <br />of f,*, nmn in, the seve*county <br />ishe <br />metropolitan area. <br />metropolitan area,. <br />The "core" of the Metro Head- <br />Fish management, in the metmi <br />quartersiiiii on Warner, Road, in St. <br />poill"tan, area, must c'onfron't pro- <br />Pladi, is comprised of' Fishedies, <br />bli; that don't exist in any, otber, <br />Wildlife and Enforcement super- <br />part, of the state, ' ' biecau,se the <br />visor3. Complementing them are <br />4 <br />pressure is there,"' Schneider <br />*i <br />State Parkis and Forest super- <br />said., "'Prior to 1974 (when the <br />visors, a Trails and Waterways <br />Metro office opened, with Shodeen <br />coordinator, and one, for the Lower <br />dk <br />ais fisheries supervisor), <br />Schneider added,, 't bw D,N'R pracl- <br />Croix. <br />A, headquarters adminiistrator, <br />ticall y ignored the game, fish <br />field service coordinatorii, land, <br />1 <br />potential ofmietropoilittain area <br />Spec ialist, bydrologist, engineer, <br />lakes. f9i <br />naturalist and business manager <br />THE DNBi METR,O Region <br />Headquarters I's in danger of clas- <br />t6te <br />round out, thell 4=" in <br />W S,HO,DE,EN were tryo <br />iqez, the <br />i,ng beclause , Marc h I <br />on <br />get a, new public access Ii <br />spate legislature found Itself look- <br />MA"Anetionka, for example <br />• <br />Ling at, another huge budget deficit., <br />which take,, he says, could, easily <br />nmak,e�rs "solved" thel deficit <br />sOPPort twi-ftee tbnes more <br />oolemi, by cutting moire than $30 <br />fishing than ift now gets — other <br />art <br />members of the headquers <br />million from, state agency per- <br />ating, expenses, ftough the fiscal <br />Isteam"' would handle speciaHzed, <br />ng on Je 301,,1983. <br />year endi un <br />parts oftb task. <br />e vi <br />The land, specialist would t:riy to <br />A, total of$4NAM was cut from <br />the D,NR,"s budget. The Departfai <br />locate property that could be ac- <br />10 <br />ment was order I ed to, reduce, 'its <br />quired, from a, wiUing seUer for, ft <br />D,NR REGIONS—At 2,,968 square <br />miles,, "Metres " Its the, smallest of, the <br />s,ix administrative and operational <br />regions, but it has, nearly one-half the <br />fishing, population in Minnesota. <br />secause of its high - density popullo- <br />tion, and sharply increased demand <br />fair outdoor recreation, the Metra <br />Region Headquarters faces problems <br />unilke those in othiiiior pairtisi Of the <br />State. <br />