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A legislative order made, during the <br />waning hour of last year's session � <br />to close the Metro Region headq�ar- <br />ters, of the Minnesota, Department of <br />Natural Resources (DNR) — came <br />under fire this week from the M,inne- <br />sota Sportfishling, Congress,. <br />The organized opposition to the elm <br />Ing of the office at 1200,Warner lid.., <br />St. paul,, came just as . the D,NR, pre- <br />pared, to submit a_ study ordered by <br />the legislative conference commit- <br />tee, a plate to close as many as two <br />moire regional offices., '-* . r y. r egio nz 01111M 00m 111-Lut- . <br />W A <br />and effectively cancel many Innoi <br />ti,ve fish management, programs now <br />being conducted, by the Metro of- <br />fice,"' he said. <br />Schneider noted that 40 percent of <br />the state's, 1,.5 million, fishermen live <br />in the metro area. which has about <br />300 fishing lakes in addition to por. <br />tions, of the 1!dISSISSiPpi7 Minnesota <br />and St. Croix rivers. <br />b4irs really a, valuable tool for Us$ 1111 <br />Alexander said. "There's no, way tithe <br />central, office could, handle what a <br />"We haven't colistanybody any, man- <br />e ' not closing, it before this. 11 <br />The Issue arose when It was decided, <br />that the DN'R had to trim $4510,000 <br />from its 198,3-1,98,5 budget <br />"It costs, $4510,000, annually to run <br />that region,, including the hatchery, 09 <br />Alexander said,. "'I donut think we <br />could get rid of the real tats. I <br />don*t belleve anyone has looked, at <br />40, <br />what would happen if we closed it."'' <br />Ill'Elimination of the Metro office <br />He said closing the Metro office and <br />relocating Its services in Rochester <br />could cost up to $810101,000, but, doubt,- <br />ed that many, of the 10,0010 yearly <br />Inquiries would be mde with long- <br />distance calls. <br />O@The raw savings of closing, the Met- <br />ro, office would be about $15,01,000 <br />per year,,"' Alexander siaido "',but we <br />don't know what, relocation explenses <br />will be, with bumps and, unemploy- <br />ment., <br />