Attachment D
<br />181 Gisselquist noted that one issue often faced by the Commission in land use cases and what uses were
<br />182 allowed in Community Business Zoning Districts, was a lack of policy discretion on those uses.
<br />183 However,, on this particular use under a Conditional Use with conditions clearly established, Vice Chair
<br />184, Gisselquist strongly supported staff's recommendation for denial, based on quality of life impacts for the
<br />185 City and neighborhood; in addition to concerns expressed by the Police Department about additional
<br />186 constraints on their resources.
<br />18 7' Vice Chair Gisselquist suggested that,, as a separate issue, the City may want to review its Zoning Code,
<br />188 since this was the second denial for such a use,, and take into consideration the steps taken by the Cities
<br />189 of Bloomington and St. Louis Park, MN.
<br />190 Vice Chair Gisselquist spoke in support of staff's recommendation to deny the request at this location.
<br />191 Member Wozniak advised that he was on the Planning Commission in 2008, and voted in support of that
<br />192 proposal. However, as stated earlier, Member Wozniak noted that the Commission was somewhat
<br />193 swayed by those in support of that request, in addition to Planning and Police Department staff and their
<br />194, recommendations. Member Wozniak expressed disappointment in staff's research this time around,
<br />195 opining that he usually admired and appreciated their research, but this time they appeared to have
<br />196 dropped the ball. Member Wozniak noted public testimony provided by the City's Police Department in
<br />2008 and limited comments related to a possible drain on their resources with this request; and opined
<br />198 that given those differences between 2008 and now, it would have been helpful to have the Police Chief
<br />199 or his designee present to provide testimony for this rather dramatic shift.
<br />200 Member Wozniak further referenced the public testimony of residents in the neighborhood and the
<br />201 various studies,, some close to home,, and their potential value, specifically those closer to Roseville and
<br />202 the potential to track regulations with local law enforcement agencies in the flow and tracking of stolen
<br />203 goods through these facilities. Member Wozniak advised that he had been unaware of the buffer zone
<br />20,14,, implemented in the City of St. Louis Park, MN; and the resolution passed by the City of Bloomington,
<br />205 MN to limit the number of pawn shops based on their population. Member Wozniak advised that the
<br />206 information would have been helpful to him in his analysis of the proposal. Based on his review of
<br />20 7' traffic and the limited impacts based on fact from such a use, Member Wozniak advised that he was
<br />208 disregarding public comments related to negative traffic impacts, opining that they were simply meant to
<br />209 be a "red herring."
<br />210 In conclusion,, Member Wozniak thanked residents for their public testimony and written e-mail
<br />211 contributions and for their efforts. Member Wozniak opined that this proposal was different that the
<br />212 2008 application, due to its proximity to single - family residents, in addition to the City Council's
<br />21 findings of fact from 2008; and based on those issues; he could not support allowing this use in this
<br />2 neighborhood at this time and spoke in support of the recommended denial.
<br />215 Member Boguszewski, while being new to the Planning Commission, noted his twenty (20), years
<br />216 residing in Roseville, and residence within one (1), mile of the proposed site, in addition to being the
<br />21 7' parent of a 19 and a 13 year old, and his family's frequent visits to the fast food spots along that
<br />218 corridor,, and the current traffic flow as an "unmitigated disaster" at that intersection. Member
<br />219 Boguszewski concurred with Member Wozniak's comments related traffic in that proximity and other
<br />22o business uses already in place, and the lack of validity for any argument related to negative traffic
<br />221 impacts from this use. Related to impacts on health, safety and welfare of the community and immediate
<br />222 neighborhood, Member Boguszewski noted that he would have liked to hear comments from the Police
<br />22'3 Department based on reality, not just perception.
<br />224 Member Boguszewski opined that there may need to be future consideration given to Zoning Codes, and
<br />225 whether to limit the number of pawn shops, or provide buffer zones.
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