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Attachment A <br />GL! MlO Barrett Online Form Submittal Commission Application.txt <br />From : support@,� <br />Se�nt: Sunday, April 10, 2011 10:41 AM <br />TO: Carol yn Curti M�argare�t Cirri scol 1 <br />Subject: Onl i ne Form Submi ttal : Com�m�i ssi on Appl i cati on <br />The following form was subm�itted via your websito: Commission Application <br />Please check com�m�ission applying for: Grass Lake Wate�r Mlanage�m�e�nt Organization <br />If other, please list nam�e: <br />This application is for:: New Te rm� <br />If this is a student application, please list your grade : <br />Name : : Steve Barrett <br />Address:: 661 Grandview Ave <br />City, State, Zip: Roseville, MIN 55113 <br />Phone Number:: 651-484-1103, <br />Email address :: <br />HOW many years have you lived in Roseville?: 16 <br />work Experience (especially as it relates to the Com�m�ission/Board for which <br />you are applying): I am a Civil Engine�e�r with the MIn De�pt of Transportation. <br />The past 12 years I have worke�d as a construction engineer, and I currently <br />work as a Resident Engineer in charge of adm�inistration and inspection of <br />state highway proj'ects in the Metro area. My m�ain proj'e�ct the past four years <br />has been the crosstown Commons reconstruction in Minneapolis: Before working <br />in construction, I spent four years as a Wate�r Resources Design Engine�e�r in <br />the Mn/DOT Central office Hydraulics section. <br />Throughout m�y career at Mn/DOT, I have always been interested in environm�ental <br />and water resources issues. The crosstown project is the largest highway <br />pro ect in Minnesota history, and I am proud of the e�nvironm�e�ntal prote�ction <br />we achieved during its construction. construction involved working add acent <br />to and protectin Minnehaha Creek, as well as se�ver m <br />�al s�all lake�s and <br />wetlands. Througcut the four years of construction we have been able to <br />maintain good working relationships with the watershed District and MIPCA. I <br />am working on incorporating some of the e�nvironm�e�ntal lessons we learned on <br />the crosstown projlect into the construction specifications of future projlects <br />statewide. <br />Education:: BS Civil Engineering, University of MIN 1991 <br />MIS Civil Engineering, University of MIN 1995 <br />civic and Volunteer Activities (Past and Present):: coach, Roseville Area <br />Hockey Association, <br />Team Mlanage r, North suburban Soccer Association <br />cub Scout Den Leader, Pack 311 (past) <br />Please state your reasons for wanting to serve on the Commission/Board:: I <br />have a strong interest in water quality and I see this as an opportunity to <br />have a postive im�pact on the com�m�unity that I live in. our fam�ily boats, <br />sari ms and fishes in Lake Owasso and I believe the lake is a trem�endous assest <br />to our city. I would thoroughly end oy the opportunity to improve the lake and <br />maintain it for future generations. <br />