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)0 buiffie ring the pond will be needed in addition to the standard 6-foot wide drainage <br />59 easements required along the sides and rear of the new parcels, consistent with § 1103.04 <br />60 (Easements) of the City Code; the easements are represented in blue on Attachment C. <br />61 5.4 Because the proposed parcel is less than I acre in area, it is not subject to the park <br />62, dedication requirement established in § 1103.07 (Park Dedication) of the City Code. <br />63 5.5 According to the procedure established in § 1104.04E, if a MINOR SUBDIVISION application <br />64 is approved, a survey of the approved parcels, the new legal descriptions, and any <br />65 necessary Quit Claim or Warranty deeds must be submitted within 30 days for <br />66 administrative review to verify consistency with the City Council's approval; then the <br />6 7' approved survey must be recorded by the applicant with the Ramsey County Recorder. <br />68 5.6 A tree preservation plan will also be required as part of the proposal, pursuant to <br />69 § 1011.04 (Tree Preservation and Restoration) of the City Code. While a formal tree <br />70 preservation plan would accompany a plat proposal, the MINOR SUBDIVISION process <br />71 allows an applicant to submit a simple sketch of a proposed subdivision and hire a <br />72, surveyor and other related professionals to survey the new parcel boundaries, develop the <br />73 new legal descriptions and deeds, and prepare the tree preservation plan once the <br />74 proposal has been approved. In a case like this, Planning Division staff recommends <br />75 making an approval of the proposed lot split contingent on the submission and <br />76 administrative approval of the tree preservation plan so that the subdivision isn't fully <br />7­7 authorized until the applicant demonstrates that the tree preservation requirements can be <br />78 met. <br />79 6. 0 PUBLIC COMMENT <br />80 Planning Division staff received a few phone calls from the neighboring property owners; <br />81 the calls were more about the timing of the public hearing and other topics, but nobody <br />82, has yet expressed an opinion about the proposal. <br />83 7.0 RECOMMENDATION <br />84 7.1 Hold the duly-noticed public hearing for this application to solicit and address any <br />85 comments and concerns that neighbors or others might have. <br />86 7.2 Based on the feedback from the public hearing and the comments and findings outlined <br />8 7' in Sections 4-6 of this report, Planning Division staff recommends approval of the <br />88 proposed MINOR SUBDIVISION creating a total of two conforming parcels, consistent with <br />89 the attached site plan, with the following conditions.- <br />90 a. The applicant shall submit a tree preservation plan for City approval, pursuant to <br />91 § 1011.04 of the City Code, as a necessary condition of the administrative <br />92, approval of the final survey as required in § I 104�.04�E of the City Code; and <br />93 b. Easements for drainage and utility access and for protection of the on-site pond <br />94 shall be dedicated as required by § 1103.04 of the City Code and as illustrated on <br />95 Attachment C. <br />96 8.0 SUGGESTED ACTION <br />9 7 8.1 Hold the duly-noticed public hearing for the proposed MINOR SUBDIVISION. <br />PFI I -006RCA05161 I.doc <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />