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["10 h MOM <br />Regular Meeting, of the City Council - June 27, 1983. 7 4W <br />v30 P&M* <br />The City Council, mt on the above date with the following <br />I <br />mmbers present; Curley, Kehrf Joih,n,sion,,ri Franke,, and Demos. <br />Absent: Non,e.1 <br />A-1 Joh,n,sion Moved,, Kehr Seconded,, that, thei, uanutes of the Regular MINUTE21sg <br />Meeting of June 13, 1983, be approved,. Roll Call, Ayes, <br />Kehr, johnsion, Frank,et and, Demos. Nays:i None. Abstain. <br />Curley, because he was absent,, <br />E-1 johnson, Moved, Kehr Seconded, that Robert Koester's request KOESTER <br />for nAnior variiance to side yard setback at IL739 Eldridge be <br />approved, Roll Call,, Ayes: Curley1r Kehrr Johnson? Franke,, <br />and Demos. Nays�: None. <br />FR-2 Curley Moved,,, Kehr Seconded, that Thomas Jensen's request for JENSEN <br />91 N <br />nmnori variance to rear yard setback at 21,523, Stanbridge be <br />approved, Roll Call,, Ayes: Curley'. Kehr, johnsont Franke, <br />and, Derms.i Nays: None.1 <br />E�3 Kehr Molved,, Franke Secoinded,, that Geine Holrquist's request HOLMQUISJ' <br />for' building plermit at 309i8 Hamlin,e as provided by the Lake <br />Shore Zoning Oridinanciei be approve'd. Roll Call, Ayes'. Curley, <br />1, <br />Kehr, Johnson,, Franke,,, and Demos. N'aysi- None, <br />E-4 Keh,r Moved, Curley, Seconided, that Frank's Bowling Center FRANK'S BOWLING <br />application. for, bottle cilub license at 2057 Snellin'g Avenue CENTER <br />be approved. Roll, Call,, Ayes* <br />. Curley,, Kehr, Johnsonr Franke,, <br />and Demos. N'ays: None,, <br />E-5 Kehr Moved, Johnsion, Sleconded, that the City Manager be author� HAR-MAR MALL <br />11 <br />ized to sign a, one-iy,ear lease with Har-Mar Mall for the LEASE <br />municipal Uquor st,orel, in the total cost amount of $1,000 per <br />i <br />mon,th.i Roll Call, Ayes:-, Curley.. Kehrr Jlohnsonf Franke, and <br />Demos. Nayis. None., <br />E-6 --r - <br />,.,N:�hri Movedr Johnson Seconded., that, Ordinance <br />Chapter 2071 to, the City Code of th,e City of Roseville, relating <br />to, the Regulation of Noise, be adopted. Roll Call,, Ayes.- <br />Curley,i Kehr,. Johnsison, Frankee and Demos. Nays: None. <br />E-7 Johnson Moveld., Franke Seconded, that the Council reaffirm the PIK TIERMINA <br />motion of May, 23,, 1983jF 'instructing the City Attorney to take <br />iapproprii,ate action to clondemn prope�rty owned by PIK Terminal <br />Company.,, and changing the legal description to the following-. <br />'The We,sit 2114,0 Feet of the East 2197 Feet, of Lots 5 and 6. <br />Block D,,, and Except the South, '78.15 Feet- the West 240 <br />Feet of the East 297 Feet of Lot 7, Block D. Twin V, ew <br />Addition, Ramey Countyr Minnesota. <br />