nuncil minutes
<br />June 2�7, 1,983 Meleting
<br />Roll call , Ayes Curley, eh , Johnson, Franke,, and Demos Nays:
<br />Non
<br />E-8 Johnson Moved, Frank. e seconded, that Resolution 7517, declaring the RESOLUTION
<br />costs to he assessed and ordering the preparation of assessments on 7517
<br />Project s0-3, storm sewers in the area. south of Central Park.,
<br />between Lexington and Victoria, be adopted, roll call, Ayes;
<br />Curley, , Kehrr Johnson, Franke and Demos. Nays None.
<br />Johnson Moved, Franke seconded, that Resolution 7518, declaring the RESOLUTION
<br />costs to be assessied and' ordering the preparation of assessments on 7518
<br />Project P-,W-80-3,1, paving of Brooks, and Trans t, from Lexington to
<br />Victoria, be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, Kehr,, Johnson,
<br />Franke , and , Demos Ways � None.
<br />Johnson Moored, Franke seconded, that Resolution 7519, declaring the RESOLUTION
<br />costs to be, assessed and ordering the preparation of assessments on 7519
<br />Project. P-81-12, pavinq of Merrill street, from Terrace Drive to
<br />County Road C- , be adopted., Roll Call, Ayes Curley, Kehr,,
<br />John son , Franke,, and Demos, Nays None.
<br />Johnson Moored, Franke Seconded, that Resolution 7520, declaring the O TIO '
<br />costs to he assessed an,d ordering the preparation of assessments on 752
<br />col ined ro 7 ects 1 '.3
<br />3 P- - , paving of Patton Roads from Stanbridge
<br />to Brenner, street, and, P-81-24, paving of Brenner street from Patton
<br />Road to Highcrest Road, be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes Curley, Kehr,
<br />Johnson,, Franke, and Demsi. Nays: None4fl
<br />Johnson Moved,, Franke seconded, that Resolution 7521, declaring the MSOLOTION
<br />costs to he assessed and ordering the preparation of assessments on 7521
<br />Prolect DL 1-5, street lights on Aron street, from Brenner to
<br />County Road D., he adopted. Roll call, Ayes: Curley, Kehr,
<br />Johnson, Franke, and Demos., Nays None
<br />Johnson Moored, Franke Seconded, that Resolution 7522, declaring the RESOLUTION'
<br />ciosts to be. assessed and ordering the preparation of assessments on 7Z5
<br />Protect S -- ' -P- 2 -3, sanitary serer, w,atermain, and pavincr on
<br />Dell wood Avenue, from Roma Avenue, south to dead end, be adopted.
<br />Roll Call, Ayes-. Curley, Kehr, Johns on , Franke,, and Demos, . Nays :
<br />N'on i t
<br />johnson Movede Franke Seconded, th,at Resolution 7523, declaring the RESOLUTION
<br />costs to be assessied, and ordering the preparation of assessments on 7523
<br />Project P-82-51, paving of �� i� it • e adopted. °r` Call, � l
<br />•
<br />Franke, and D` ,
<br />