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Ro,k.),cr A, Jerisen <br />James C. 1-1-icks-on, Sr. <br />Caroline Bell Beckman <br />Charles R. Bartholdi <br />Mitchell W. Converse <br />Kari L QLJ1111* <br />Carol A. Baldwin <br />Mark F. Gaughan <br />jam.t,s C. L.rickson. Jr, <br />Robert Cl: Bell <br />Willard L ('011lVel"Se fl <br />I -AW OFFICES 1011' <br />,JF,N,S,EN,, BELL, CONVERSE, & ERICKSON, PA, <br />1500 Wells Fargo Place <br />30 East Seve enth 'Street <br />St. Paul) MN 55 10 1 <br />Mr. Bill Malinen. and Council Members <br />(-'ity of Roscvillie <br />26,60 Civic CI enter Dr i vc <br />Rosevil1c. M"N 5:511,311 <br />4 1 -C, Prosecution <br />R.1 C, ty o f Rosc \Tljl.c I . <br />OurFlIcNio.: 1011-00004 <br />Dcai- Mi-. alinen and ('ouncll Members, <br />Telephone (65 1) 22 3 )-4999 <br />[:,acsimile (65 1) 2-2-3-4987 <br />Also Admitied in Wisconsill <br />0f 0 f (70 U 11 SC <br />Certified Civil -['rlal Specialist, <br />We are awzrc that pursuant to the (-.11ty's si,x-vear policy our contract is technically tip at the end <br />01, this year. It is my understandino this policy may be w cd and our pros CCUtiOn SMICeS <br />continued bN.., the C6 Nlanagei- (and consent of the Council) 11' deerned in the Oty"s -best <br />interest <br />Av <br />It is in the (."ity's best interest io continue, with this firm's prosecution ser-vices. Whil e. the ity . s <br />POliCV Wras initiated primarily , to avoid forrnin.g t1oo, close a relationship between the fit y <br />Attornicy ,and the i I ty. Which could potentially result in a lack of objectivity this is not the case <br />with, our firi-li. Keep, in mind that a close relationship between the City*s police department and <br />prosccUtor i importani and needs to be based on trust. YOU can talk with any crnplovee at the <br />Roscville Pollice Department and/or management and, I believe you would find that that sense of <br />trust cont1nL1C`,S to this dcate, <br />This trust relationship is also essential to the City's f"elony prosecuting attorney, the Ramsey <br />GOUnty Attorney' (kN-hosc contmct will never be %'--up"'). <br />We would point out that the pi-o\-,islon of"City Attorney, J?roseC.Lfflon services involves a constant <br />.1 <br />evolving relationship. In the past there have been many different attortic - N.,,s From 01.11- firm that <br />F <br />,have scrvcd- as the City S prosecutors bringing fresh ideas as well as good histor . Whilc the <br />police chileT has chanoied over the years, the C1.ty Managers have changed, Mayor and Council <br />t- .1 <br />members have changcd its have the prosecutors in our offilce. This means that aS PrOSCCfflingl <br />"Ittorlic"N" vv�c are j u -dged by different chiefs, diff and <br />erent City Managers Council 1\4ernbers. <br />11 o\,\)c\1cr.. this, firm ciontinues, to pi-ovide prosecutors and support staiT that each chief- each (11N <br />0 <br />