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1V1r, Bill Nill-alinen and ("ouncil M.embers <br />Jul\, 1. 2'008 <br />W <br />Page 2 <br />Manager and coach mayor and Council member has continuou.sly f'OUnd superior to any other <br />N.l'a➢-uis long-Standing, ti-U-st based relationship is, beneficial and essential to good prosecution <br />SCI-ViCeS. WC U011611UC 10 PI-ovide the essential institutional memory to Roseville 0' s successful <br />V <br />process and \N`C �WiLlld reqUCSt all opportunity to continue this relationship with the (7ity of <br />Rosevillic. <br />Rather than a -six-year and out*" -rule we. suggest an annual rev"Iew where our office is subject to <br />terni i nat i in oil 30 days notice. <br />Our retainer encompasses all prosecution work including contested jU1-N1 trials, Rasniussen <br />Hearings, probation violations. sentencings, as well as instruction of officers. appearances 1'--or <br />regular 1c,gal upid'ates, appearances at citizen police acaderny and any other necessary training. <br />The only itellis nol, colvered. by OUr retainer are advocacy before the ourl of' Appeals or <br />Suprenic Court \,Nhich are exti-cmcly rare. In the past six years wc have had very I'cw <br />,appeals. Any appeals \N�oluld be covered on an hourly basis of $185-.00 for attorney time and <br />1010.010 for paralegal t1ille. <br />Attorney time working on vehicle forfeitures matters, would be billed at $185.00 and, paralegal <br />tirnie at $95.001 per hOUY. <br />Flie, City ol'Rose\illlic contiFILICS to see an increase in the case load of criminal matters. This is in <br />pi,art due to legislatl\c chanoes including a recent threshold change' in thct't cases. Most recently. <br />the M111111CSOW, l.Cg,1S1d1U•C increased the amount for fielotly thefts From $500.00 to $1,000.00, <br />'I'llis means our, ot,filicc is se:1110 considerably more cases coming through at the gross <br />nllsdcnleallol- le\..Cl (dUC to, the ("Ity's large commercial district, HIClUding the recent expanded <br />area at Roseldalle). 01111- 01.14ICC (instead of the County Attorney) will now charge and prosecute all <br />theft cases Lip to S 1.000.010 instead of $500.00, <br />In additi011 \NIT have seen an inc i <br />rease n our workload due to decreases in the. Court's budget. <br />Most reciently, the Mapic",rood branch of Ramsey County District COUrt eliminated a clerk and as <br />a result., the cadditlional work of.' putting, together the court calcridars has fallen to our office. <br />"HICTL"Tore they lack of' state Funding), has shifted to cities to bear the cost. We have had increased <br />tine e for pi-osecution services due to this. <br />We havi-e also had additional jury calendars added for nionthly appearances for jury trials. <br />That means iiiiiii-ve Krivie 1-*ouj,- extra two week tine periods added for jUry trials. This is necessary <br />dUC to, the lack of funds In the states public defenders off ice. As a result of a decrease in <br />FUnding, 10 the pUblic de-l"encler's office. our offi ce is seeing an increase in dernands made to our <br />cuff ce 1`61- information and assistance f "rom pro se defendants. <br />I. colntinUC. tO SCr%T on the Minnesota SUpreme Court Criminal Rules Advisory Committee and <br />this RamseN,., 1( OUMN' Domestic Vlolcnce Council. Mark Gaughan of` our ofl-ice is serV1.1.1g the <br />Police thief' ern the nai-iic-1-W.-%!cnt Index Serv-icc project which is an initiative designed to create a <br />